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At House Oversight Hearing, A Call for Trump to Abandon the Pillars of His Assault on Safeguards

Today, I will testify before two subcommittees of the House Oversight Committee at a hearing that I hope will provide a critical examination of the Trump administration's so-called "Regulatory Reform Task Forces." Created by Trump's Executive Order 13777, these task forces are essentially designed to be "hit squads" embedded at each agency with the goal of carrying out the Trump administration's assault on public safeguards from within. In my testimony, I provide a comprehensive critique of the task forces, as well as Executive Orders 13771 and 13777, which they are charged with implementing. Ultimately, I conclude that the orders should be repealed and the task forces be disbanded. 

In my testimony, I highlight four fatal flaws with the task forces and the work they do. These flaws include: (1) the public harms they will create; (2) their lack of a rational policy basis; (3) their continuing disregard of fundamental norms of administrative law; and (4) their intractable implementation problems. 

One of the most egregious problems with the task forces is that from the beginning, their operations have "been marked by a distinct lack of transparency and balanced public participation, rendering them susceptible to abuse by narrow interests." My testimony points out that this troubling lack of transparency and meaningful opportunities for public participation should be of particular concern to Congress: 

Fidelity to these principles is also essential to ensuring that agencies are dutifully fulfilling the missions that Congress has set out for them in their authorizing statutes. Transparency assists Congress in performing its oversight activities more effectively, while public participation serves as a mechanism for connecting the abstract goals that Congress has articulated in statutes to the practical realities of the world in which their implementing regulations will give life to those goals. Therefore, Congress in particular has an especially strong interest in ensuring that regulatory actors comport with the principles of transparency and public participation. And Congress in particular should be especially outraged when regulatory actors defy those principles. 

Recognizing that President Trump is unlikely to abandon these task forces, my testimony concludes by calling on Congress to conduct rigorous oversight of the task forces' work in implementing Executive Orders 13771 and 13777. I outline some ideas on what this oversight might entail, including the following:

  • Making full use of their oversight and information gathering authorities to learn more about the individual task forces and the work they are doing;  
  • Monitoring the deregulatory actions the Trump administration is carrying out – whether or not such actions are being undertaken explicitly in accordance with the requirements of Executive Orders 13771 and 13777 – to ensure they are complying with the applicable procedural safeguards that serve to guide administrative action;  
  • Taking appropriate and effective responses whenever they identify potential instances of agencies failing to abide by their administrative law responsibilities when undertaking deregulatory actions, with such responses including the use of targeted agency letters, Government Accountability Office or Inspector General investigations, hearings, or other appropriate oversight tools; and  
  • Investigating on an ongoing basis other matters of critical importance that are relevant to the work of the Trump administration's regulatory task forces, such as whether this work is generally comporting with basic administrative law principles of transparency and meaningful public participation. 

To learn more about the Trump administration's assault on public safeguards, including the regulatory task forces and Executive Orders 13771 and 13777, see here.

Showing 2,817 results

James Goodwin | October 24, 2017

At House Oversight Hearing, A Call for Trump to Abandon the Pillars of His Assault on Safeguards

Today, I will testify before two subcommittees of the House Oversight Committee at a hearing that I hope will provide a critical examination of the Trump administration’s so-called “Regulatory Reform Task Forces.” Created by Trump’s Executive Order 13777, these task forces are essentially designed to be “hit squads” embedded at each agency with the goal […]

John Echeverria | October 23, 2017

The Flood of Takings Cases after Hurricane Harvey

On August 27, as Hurricane Harvey blew through the Houston area, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers found itself between the proverbial rock and hard place. Since the 1940s, it had operated a flood control project to control the risk of flood damage to downtown Houston and the Houston Ship Channel. It had accomplished this […]

Katie Tracy | October 19, 2017

Dear Congress: EPA’s TSCA Implementation Has Gone Awry

Individuals across the United States encounter hundreds of chemical substances every day and often simultaneously – in common household and hygiene products, in our food and drinking water, and in our air. Some of these chemicals present serious risks to our health and the environment and a heightened risk of harm for children, pregnant women, […]

Hannah Wiseman | October 17, 2017

The Pull of Energy Markets — and Legal Challenges — Will Blunt Plans to Roll Back EPA Carbon Rules

Professor Hari Osofsky of Pennsylvania State University co-authored this article with Center for Progressive Reform Member Scholar and Florida State University College of Law Professor Hannah Wiseman. It originally appeared in The Conversation on October 13, 2017. On Oct. 10, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt formally announced a repeal of the Clean Power Plan, regulation intended to curb greenhouse […]

Matthew Freeman | October 16, 2017

CPR’s Latest Op-Eds Take on the Assault on Our Safeguards

CPR's Member Scholars and staff have continued to appear in the nation's op-ed pages to expose the ongoing assault on our safeguards by President Trump and Congress. Among recent examples: Dan Farber's July 5 article in The Hill highlighted the many flaws in legislation introduced by Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) designed […]

Daniel Farber | October 10, 2017

Foreseeable Yet Lamentable: Pruitt’s Attack on Carbon Restrictions

An earlier version of this post appeared on Legal Planet. Few things were more foreseeable than the Trump administration’s repeal of the Clean Power Plan (CPP). The administration was never going to leave in place a regulation that disfavored coal and promoted the use of renewable energy in electricity generation. The only real questions were […]

Daniel Farber | October 4, 2017

Under the Radar: What States Are Doing about Energy and Climate

What happens in Washington gets a lot of attention. You probably also follow what’s going on in your own state. But it’s very hard to know what’s happening in states across the country. In an effort to get a better sense of that, I’ve explored state activity on climate change and energy in a series […]

Alejandro Camacho | October 3, 2017

Senate Briefing Highlights Need for Strong Federal Role in Protecting Endangered Species

On September 28, I joined senators and Senate staff for a Capitol Hill briefing hosted by Sen. Tammy Duckworth. Our discussion focused on the report I co-authored with my colleagues at the Center for Land, Environment, and Natural Resources, entitled Conservation Limited: Assessing State Laws and Resources for Endangered Species Protection, which investigates states’ capacity to […]

Victor Flatt | September 29, 2017

Houston Chronicle Op-Ed: Burying Our Head in Sand on Climate Change No Longer an Option

This op-ed originally ran in the Houston Chronicle. Every day during the Hurricane Harvey disaster, our hearts would sink as we kept hearing the word “unprecedented” again and again. Harvey wasn’t supposed to strengthen so fast; it shouldn’t have stalled where it did. Every day as we hoped the worst was over, Harvey would pummel us […]