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The Bumper Crop of New State Climate Policies Since July — Part II

This two-part post was originally published as a single post on Legal Planet. Reprinted with permission. This second part covers state climate action from New Jersey to Washington State, as well as multi-state efforts. Click to read Part I.

New Jersey

The Board of Public Utilities approved a framework for utilities to submit building electrification plans to implement the state’s energy efficiency programs. Utilities must offer financial incentives to accelerate heat pump adoption and help meet the goal of electrifying at least 400,000 homes and 20,000 commercial properties by 2030.

New York

The governor announced the adoption of “Buy Clean Concrete” rules for the concrete used in state-funded building and transportation projects. The guidelines set emissions limits on carbon emissions from concrete production and transport used by the state. State projects must use concrete mixes that have an environmental impact below the limits set by the state.

The governor also announced a $20 million State Energy Financing Fund to provide direct capital support and credit enhancements for decarbonization projects in disadvantaged communities.


The governor signed a $90 million package that focuses on community resiliency, climate adaptation, and reducing emissions in the buildings sector. The two bills, HB 3630 and HB 3409, combine 20 individual policies and seek to leverage billions of dollars of federal funding. The package includes: (a) a goal of 500,000 electric heat pumps by 2030, with new programs to support heat pump deployment, energy efficiency, and weatherization; (b) a building performance standard for large commercial buildings; (c) a directive to cut annual building energy consumption by 60 percent by 2030 compared to earlier building codes; and (d) a directive to the Department of Energy to develop a comprehensive state energy strategy.

Rhode Island

The governor of Rhode Island signed legislation to accelerate the state’s shift to renewable energy. Prior law required annual 1.5 percent increases in the amount of electricity required to be generated from renewable sources through 2035. The legislation signed by the governor accelerates those increases to achieve 100 percent renewable energy in 2033.


Although abortion was the central issue in the November elections in Virginia, climate change was also involved, with an ad campaign opposing Virginia’s use of California’s clean car standards. Democratic control of the legislature will impede the Republican governor’s efforts to roll back environmental standards and withdraw the state from a regional carbon trading system. One area where the Democrats now hold complete control is the State Corporation Commission, the regulatory body that oversees utilities. There are two vacancies on the Commission, and appointments are made by the legislature rather than the governor.

Washington State

Washington State’s new cap-and-trade system has produced strikingly high prices for carbon in initial carbon allowance auctions. The state announced that it wants to link its new carbon market to one run jointly by California and Quebec, kick-starting regulatory reviews with potentially wide-ranging repercussions. When California started its emissions system, it had hoped to link with other Western states, but politics got in the way. The process may finally be restarting.

Also, the state’s Commerce Department issued guidance on a new law that requires local governments to consider climate change in their 20-year comprehensive plans beginning in 2025. The guidance focuses on two new sections that must be included in long-range plans: lowering greenhouse gas emissions and raising defenses against climate-related threats.


A bipartisan coalition of 25 governors organized as the U.S. Climate Alliance committed to increase heat pump installations across their states to 20 million by the end of the decade. The Alliance represents approximately 60 percent of the U.S. economy and 55 percent of the U.S. population.

Showing 2,823 results

Daniel Farber | January 10, 2024

The Bumper Crop of New State Climate Policies Since July — Part II

State climate policy is a big deal. State governments began cutting emissions at a time when the federal government was essentially doing nothing about climate change. Since then, more states have become involved. Part II of this post covers state climate action from New Jersey to Washington State during the second half of 2023, as well as multi-state efforts.

Daniel Farber | January 10, 2024

The Bumper Crop of New State Climate Policies Since July — Part I

State climate policy is a big deal. State governments began cutting emissions at a time when the federal government was essentially doing nothing about climate change. Since then, more states have become involved, and state policies have become more aggressive. It’s not for nothing that 2023 was called a banner year for state climate action. The state developments in just the second half of the year make up an impressive list. Part I of this post covers state climate action from California to Michigan.

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Will a USDA-Uber Partnership Deliver on Its Promise of Food Justice?

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Hannah Wiseman | November 16, 2023

Invoicing Carbon Under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

A recent Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania decision has thrown Pennsylvania’s actions on climate change into further disarray. In 2021, through regulatory action by its Department of Environmental Protection, Pennsylvania became a member of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). RGGI is a collection of Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states that have agreed to cap emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from electric power plants with 25 megawatts or more of generating capacity. The cap includes an overall regional limit and a cap for each state. Power plants must purchase allowances or offset their emissions (or pursue other options noted below) to collectively meet the state cap. But lawsuits have challenged Pennsylvania’s entry into RGGI, and on November 1, a memorandum opinion of the Commonwealth Court declared that Pennsylvania’s scheme for auctioning CO2 allowances under the state’s RGGI cap was an unconstitutional tax. The court voided the rulemaking.

A family exiting their electric vehicle

Catalina Gonzalez | November 15, 2023

New Report Series Explores Equity in California’s Climate and Clean Energy Funding Programs

On November 15, I joined Member Scholar and University of San Francisco School of Law professor Alice Kaswan in releasing an in-depth analysis of California’s climate and clean energy funding programs for the state’s historically marginalized and underserved communities. The set of reports and fact sheets, "Funding a Clean and Equitable Energy Transition: Lessons from California," follows the recent publication of the Center’s California Climate Justice Index, which details the laws, executive orders, agencies, funding processes, and funding programs that shape climate policy for the nation’s most populous state.

Uma Outka | November 13, 2023

Federal-State Conflicts Over Environmental Justice — Parts I and II

In his first month in office, President Biden signed an executive order, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad,” recommitting the federal government to climate action and environmental justice. In April 2023, an additional executive order, “Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All,” reinforced the administration’s commitment to a “whole-of-government approach to environmental justice.” The renewed commitment to environmental justice is gratifying for all who care about these issues — and the challenge of accomplishing whole-of-government implementation is real. Among numerous complicating aspects of this shift, one key challenge is state resistance — even outright hostility — to federal environmental justice priorities.

Shelley Welton | November 8, 2023

Environmental Justice via Industrial Policy

This summer, we marked the one-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the United States’ most significant climate change law. Many advocates for environmental justice, myself included, were disappointed by several features of the Act, including the greenlighting of certain fossil fuel infrastructure projects. Nevertheless, the law unlocked unprecedented streams of investment into clean energy via tax credits and direct spending mechanisms.