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What if MMS Had Followed the Law When Considering the Deepwater Horizon Permit?

As millions of gallons of oil continue to pour into the Gulf of Mexico, the Washington Post and New York Times reported that the Minerals Management Service (MMS) – the agency within the U.S. Department of Interior that oversees offshore oil and gas leasing and development – mostly ignored some of the country’s most important environmental laws when it gave the green light to Deepwater Horizon and other offshore drilling.

The Endangered Species Act requires federal agencies to consult with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) when they take or approve actions that may adversely affect species listed as threatened or endangered. Though MMS has acknowledged that oil and gas drilling is likely to adversely affect protected sea turtles, sperm whales, and Alabama sturgeon, the Post and Times reported that the agency failed to consult with NMFS prior to issuing permission for the Deepwater Horizon drilling. The papers also reported that MMS pressured agency biologists to reverse findings that drilling might harm marine mammals and endangered species, and that the agency has issued three huge lease sales and hundreds of approvals for offshore drilling since January 2010 without complying with the ESA.

MMS has also virtually ignored its responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which requires agencies to assess the environmental consequences of their actions prior to going forward. Incredibly, MMS approved the Deepwater Horizon drilling based on a “Categorical Exclusion” under NEPA, a designation given to projects that “do not individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the human environment” (40 CFR § 1508.4) and thus require no Environmental Impact Statement.

Environmental organizations wasted no time in challenging MMS’ compliance with NEPA; on Monday Defenders of Wildlife filed suit against the agency in federal court, arguing that MMS violated federal law by issuing drilling permits without complying with NEPA. Defenders also contends that the agency’s operating manual itself violates the law by authorizing categorical exclusions from NEPA’s environmental impact analysis requirements for offshore leasing, exploration, and production activities.

Usually operating well out of the public eye, MMS last made national headlines in 2008, when reports surfaced that agency employees were plied with sex and drugs by the oil companies that federal personnel were supposed to regulate. Despite vows of reform at the time from then Secretary of Interior Dirk Kempthorne, the culture of lawless behavior clearly remains ingrained at MMS – but unfortunately we are now painfully aware of the steep environmental consequences that can result when regulators are quite literally in bed with the very industries they are supposed to oversee.

Complying with NEPA and the ESA’s consultation process – both of which MMS skipped in greenlighting Deepwater Horizon – could have dramatically changed the course of events in the Gulf of Mexico. These laws embody a look- before- you-leap approach that Congress termed “the institutionalization of caution.” NEPA requires an analysis of the risks to the environment posed by drilling, as well as provides an opportunity for the public to provide input. Completing ESA consultation would have required both MMS and the National Marine Fisheries Service to consider the best available science regarding the probabilities of a catastrophic oil spill prior to approving the drilling. Moreover, adherence to this ESA requirement would have effectively given NMFS power to modify or even veto the Deepwater Horizon project – which is likely the very reason MMS chose to ignore the consultation process.

The tragic events now unfolding in the Gulf also once again underscore the direct links between protecting the natural world and its imperiled species and looking out for humans’ best interests. Just as better protections for coastal wetlands would likely have mitigated the loss of life and property damage caused by Hurricane Katrina, what may turn out to be the United States’ biggest oil spill may have never taken place if the federal agency responsible for overseeing offshore drilling had simply listened to its own scientists and fully complied with its obligations under NEPA and the Endangered Species Act.

Showing 2,864 results

Dan Rohlf | May 19, 2010

What if MMS Had Followed the Law When Considering the Deepwater Horizon Permit?

As millions of gallons of oil continue to pour into the Gulf of Mexico, the Washington Post and New York Times reported that the Minerals Management Service (MMS) – the agency within the U.S. Department of Interior that oversees offshore oil and gas leasing and development – mostly ignored some of the country’s most important […]

Matt Shudtz | May 17, 2010

Potentially Regulated Parties, White House Trying to Inject the Data Quality Act and Other Distractions Into EPA’s IRIS Assessment Process

In the year since EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson announced a new process (pdf) for updating chemical risk assessments in EPA’s IRIS database, agency scientists have succeeded in getting some stalled assessments moving through the system. Since the May 21, 2009 announcement, EPA staff have competed nine new and updated assessments. Two others are in the final stages […]

Alejandro Camacho | May 14, 2010

On Adaptation, Kerry-Lieberman Climate Bill Largely Similar to ACES, But Drops Several Provisions and Provides Less Money

Though in many respects similar to provisions in the House-approved American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES) bill and the prior Boxer-Kerry bill in the Senate, the adaptation program proposed in the newly released Kerry-Lieberman American Power Act substantially decreases funding for federal and state adaptation programs and eliminates provisions establishing a public health adaptation […]

Yee Huang | May 12, 2010

US Releases Final Strategy for Chesapeake Bay Restoration and Protection

Today marks the one-year anniversary of President Obama’s Executive Order on Chesapeake Bay Restoration and Protection, which commits federal agencies to a new leadership role in Bay restoration. This morning the Federal Leadership Committee, headed by EPA and comprised of many of the major federal agencies, released its final Strategy for Restoration and Protection of […]

Victor Flatt | May 12, 2010

Preemption Aside, New Climate Change Proposal Would Create Generally Similar Results as Prior Proposals (But Watch Out for Those Offsets)

While Kerry and Lieberman (and before two weeks ago, Graham) have tried to pitch the proposed new Senate climate and energy draft legislation as a “game-changer” the truth is that, aside from the stronger preemption language limiting the states, its effect is not terribly different from what has come before. Sure, there are sweeteners for the […]

Victor Flatt | May 12, 2010

Kerry-Lieberman Creates Some Added Certainty on Offsets

The Kerry-Lieberman bill’s provisions on offsets are largely similar to those in the Waxman-Markey and Kerry-Boxer bill, but include a number of changes that make more specific policy choices in the use of offsets. First, the proposal enumerates a specific lengthy list of eligible offset categories (whereas Waxman-Markey didn’t list specific categories, instead giving instruction […]

Alexandra Klass | May 11, 2010

Federal Task Force on Carbon Capture and Sequestration Will Need to Grapple With Property Rights Law

A federal task force of the EPA and a host of federal agencies are  currently working on a proposal, due to President Obama by June, on carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) policy; they’re now holding a series of public meetings (for background on CCS generally, see the CPR Perspective I wrote examining some of the arguments […]

Holly Doremus | May 10, 2010

Heads in sand, oil in water

Cross-posted from Legal Planet. As oil drifts on and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico, forcing the closure of wildlife refuges and more fishing grounds, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has called a temporarily halt to new offshore drilling while his staff prepare a report on the disaster and even Republicans in Congress are calling for […]

Matthew Freeman | May 9, 2010

CPR’s Victor Flatt in Houston Chronicle on a Momentous Week for Energy Policy

CPR Member Scholar Victor Flatt has an op-ed piece in this morning’s Houston Chronicle, in which he argues that the week of April 20 will likely be recalled as “one of the most pivotal and important weeks in the history of energy in this country,” citing the confluence of the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon […]