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SCOTUS Grants Cert in AEP v. Connecticut; Why the Threat of Tort Liability Should Remain as Part of the Balance of Powers

The Supreme Court this morning granted certiorari in the case of American Electric Power Co. v. Connecticut, a common law nuisance suit seeking an order compelling large electric utility companies to reduce their contributions to global climate change. At issue will be a variety of doctrines – such as standing and political question – that nominally originate from constitutional limitations on the role of the judicial branch, but that judges have, over the years, expanded well beyond the text and structure of the Constitution. 

AEP is the first climate change nuisance suit to reach the Supreme Court, but it is only one of several that have been initially dismissed by district court judges who seem all too eager to avoid these controversial and boundary-straining suits. 

The problems with these dismissals are two-fold. First, to the extent that judges are worried about stretching tort law to reach the mother of all collective action problems – global climate change – their concerns are grossly overstated. Numerous avenues exist within the substantive law of tort itself to avoid finding defendants liable for their contributions to climate change (see my recent paper outlining these avenues here). Second, to the extent that judges erect preliminary barriers that deprive courts of the opportunity to engage with climate change tort claims on the merits, they abdicate a traditional role that lies at the very heart of our system of limited government. Tort law is a residual locus for the airing of grievances when no other government actor is responsive to societal need. Unlike legislators and executive branch officials, judges have to give an answer when a claim of wrongful harm is brought to their attention. Using slippery and seemingly unprincipled doctrines like standing and political question to avoid that responsibility works to short-circuit a fundamental node in our system of divided and overlapping governmental power.

In an apparent effort to limit the damage that might be wrought in the AEP case, the Obama Administration intervened in support of certiorari, but on a more limited ground of implied preemption than industry had advocated. The Administration claims that the EPA has gotten busy implementing the Clean Air Act with respect to greenhouse gas emissions and that allowing federal common law nuisance claims to proceed would interfere with the regulatory initiative. The problem with this argument is that EPA’s efforts thus far have been fairly tepid and incremental. The agency has specifically refused to set a national ambient air quality standard for greenhouse gases, which would trigger a more comprehensive control regime that one plausibly might argue “occupied the field” and therefore should displace common law tort actions. Moreover, even if the agency did undertake that kind of full-throated implementation for greenhouse gases, its regulations will inevitably be contested in court for years. Unless and until a comprehensive regulatory control regime is put into actual operation, the threat of tort liability should remain as part of the balance of powers that shapes what regime eventually does emerge. Judges must understand that part of their role in a system of divided power is to prod and plea with other branches that are better positioned to address an area of societal need, but that are less predisposed to try. Adjudicating climate change nuisance suits on the merits offers that potential to prod and plea. Standing, political question, and implied preemption instead invite judges to duck and weave.

Showing 2,825 results

Douglas Kysar | December 6, 2010

SCOTUS Grants Cert in AEP v. Connecticut; Why the Threat of Tort Liability Should Remain as Part of the Balance of Powers

The Supreme Court this morning granted certiorari in the case of American Electric Power Co. v. Connecticut, a common law nuisance suit seeking an order compelling large electric utility companies to reduce their contributions to global climate change. At issue will be a variety of doctrines – such as standing and political question – that nominally […]

Ben Somberg | December 6, 2010

Links: The EPA at 40

With the 40th anniversary of EPA last week, there’s been some useful writing on the big picture of the history. I wanted to highlight: Steve Cochran at EDF has the first in a series on the Clean Air Act and its record of protecting us from pollutants. Post one: the acid rain program. Ruth Greenspan Bell […]

Yee Huang | December 3, 2010

Maryland Submits Chesapeake Bay Cleanup Plan; Here’s A First Look

Maryland submitted its final Phase I Watershed Implementation Plan for Chesapeake Bay restoration this afternoon. It’s the strongest blueprint of any of the states, and if implemented and funded sufficiently would allow Maryland to achieve its needed share of pollutant reductions. Maryland has pledged to implement, by 2017, the pollutant controls necessary to achieve 70% […]

Yee Huang | December 2, 2010

Double Duty: Will the Montreal Protocol Some Day be Used to Combat Climate Change?

a(broad) perspective In 1974, atmospheric scientists discovered that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were causing the alarming depletion of the protective ozone layer that shields all life on Earth from the harmful ultra-violet radiation from the sun. These CFCs were present as propellants in aerosol cans and also used as refrigerants. The global scientific consensus and the severity of ozone […]

Lena Pons | December 1, 2010

Procedural Maze Continues for Vehicle Efficiency Regulation

Update: EPA and NHTSA have issued the Supplemental Notice of Intent. The regulatory process is often complex: agencies must balance opportunities for public comment, complex scientific information, and economic analysis, all while trying to craft a program that fulfills a legal mandate. But when it comes to crafting proposals for vehicle fuel economy and greenhouse gas […]

Dan Rohlf | November 30, 2010

FWS’ Critical Habitat Area Designation for Polar Bears is Good News, but How Much Difference Will it Make?

First the good news: the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) last week designated a huge expanse of barrier islands, denning areas, and sea ice in the Arctic as “critical habitat” for polar bears under the federal Endangered Species Act. The largest such protected area in the ESA’s history, the new critical habitat covers an […]

Yee Huang | November 30, 2010

Most Chesapeake Bay Watershed States Submit Cleanup Plans; A First Look at Virginia’s

Yesterday was the deadline for Bay states and the District of Columbia to submit their final Phase I Watershed Implementation Plans (WIP). These WIPs are roadmaps that describe how Bay jurisdictions will meet their pollutant reduction obligations under the Bay TMDL. Delaware, the District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia submitted their plans by the deadline, […]

Holly Doremus | November 24, 2010

CEQ Finalizes Guidance for Categorical Exclusions

Cross-posted from Legal Planet. The White House Council on Environmental Quality has issued the first of three expected final guidance documents for federal agencies implementing the National Environmental Policy Act. This one, which covers the use of categorical exclusions, is an excellent start. NEPA is the “look before you leap” environmental law. It requires that […]

Ben Somberg | November 19, 2010

Coal Ash Comments Submitted: Get Serious, Please

“In order for CBA cost benefit analysis to be workable, regulators need to have a relatively restricted range of possibilities.” That’s what OIRA Administrator Cass Sunstein wrote in a 2007 book. So how about from $82 billion to negative $251 billion, a third of a trillion dollars – is that a relatively restricted range? Those […]