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Top Ten Regulatory Policy Stories of 2020 — Part I

This was the year in which many of our worst fears about the Trump administration came to pass. Racial unrest reached a boiling point. The GOP’s attacks on our democracy leading up to and after the election will take decades to fix. And of course, tens of thousands of lives have been needlessly lost to an unprecedented pandemic.

It was an ugly year. Not surprisingly, most of 2020’s top regulatory policy stories were ugly too. In general, policy developments aligned against the goals of CPR’s new Policy for a Just America initiative: a sustainable future, a responsive government, and strong, effective protections for all people and the environment. The incoming Biden-Harris administration can put us back on the right track, but they have a lot of work ahead of them.

Here are the first five of this year’s 10 most significant developments affecting regulatory policy and public protections:

  1. The Biden-Harris transition team sends mixed signals on regulatory policy. President-elect Joe Biden has yet to explicitly stake out his vision on regulation. For now, we are left to read the few leaves in the proverbial teacup. His plan to address climate change, which includes an ambitious regulatory agenda, suggests his administration’s embrace of regulation will be stronger than Barack Obama’s relatively tepid approach.

    Yet, Biden’s strong centrist inclinations leave many progressives (myself included) expecting disappointment. At times, these misgivings seem justified, such as when the incoming administration included on its Office of Management Budget (OMB) landing team an individual who supports Trump’s “two-out, one-in” executive order, which requires agencies to arbitrarily repeal two existing regulations for every new one they develop. To counter this, progressives are encouraging Biden and Harris to adopt a bold, constructive vision of regulation and to put a strong advocate of regulatory safeguards at the helm of the Office of Information Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), the White House agency that reviews proposed regulations.

  2. Amy Coney Barrett gives the U.S. Supreme Court a solid anti-regulatory majority. In recent years, conservatives have brought to the high court a steady stream of cases aimed at kneecapping our regulatory system, and all fell just one vote short of achieving their desired result. In 2019, the Court narrowly rejected an effort to revive the so-called non-delegation doctrine, which supposedly bars Congress from delegating legislative powers to other entities. Also last year, Chief Justice John Roberts cast the deciding vote to limit — but not abolish — the Auer deference doctrine, which requires courts to defer to an agency’s reasonable interpretation of its own regulations. These decisions preserved agencies’ ability to issue regulations that protect people and the planet.

    Republicans appear to have tackled this math problem by replacing the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg with the conservative and aggressively anti-precedent Barrett. With five reactionaries unencumbered by institutional reverence on the bench, the Supreme Court is primed to grant big items on conservatives’ anti-regulatory wish list, including reviving the non-delegation doctrine, abolishing Auer deference, and gutting citizens’ standing to file suit to enforce the law.

  3. Trump’s implements harmful executive orders on agency guidance. Over the past year, agencies have dutifully implemented a pair of executive orders that limit the development and use of guidance documents, which help clarify how regulations apply to businesses. Most notably, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and others have created online databases to house their guidance documents — and rescinded an untold number of existing ones. They have also finalized new internal rules that strictly govern how they develop and use new guidance documents.

    These actions will likely obstruct the Biden-Harris administration’s policy agenda. Restoring important guidance documents that were rescinded will be time- and resource-intensive. What’s more, the administration will be denied the invaluable assistance that new guidance could provide in getting its agenda off the ground. Rescinding these pernicious orders should be a top priority.

  4. Trump attacks the professional civil service. One of Trump administration’s most extreme and dangerous actions came this fall in the form of Executive Order 13957, which created a new exception to federal civil service protections called Schedule F. The order aims to remove protections for federal employees who work in “positions of a confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating character.”

    This broad and nebulous category could apply to career attorneys, scientists, and other technical experts who contribute to the development and enforcement of federal regulations. Practically speaking, it means that Trump and agency officials could fire tens of thousands of apolitical professional career staff at will and populate agencies with their own partisan hacks. The gravity of this threat to the integrity and effectiveness of our federal regulatory system is difficult to exaggerate. Hopefully, this threat can be avoided if implementation can be staved off until Inauguration Day.

  5. Trump cynically uses the pandemic to double down on his assault on safeguards. To no one’s surprise, Trump used the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to continue his assault on public safeguards. In May, he issued Executive Order 13924, which calls on agencies to use emergency authorities to repeal or weaken rules and take various steps aimed at undermining enforcement. These measures were framed as a response not to the public health crisis but to “promote economic recovery.”

    In reality, these measures didn’t amount to much, given the limits on agencies’ statutory authorities. Rather, they were intended to create the illusion of an effective response to the pandemic-induced recession. One exception is weakened enforcement policies, which do present a longer-term concern. They appear to be the result of a last year’s OMB Request for Information (RFI) about regulatory enforcement, which we suspect was a veiled attempt to seek industry feedback on how to weaken enforcement across the executive branch. (Read CPR’s comments on the RFI here.) This Trump executive order should be among the first that Biden rescinds.

In my next post, I will finish counting down the five remaining most significant developments affecting regulatory policy and public protections from the past year.

Showing 2,864 results

James Goodwin | December 21, 2020

Top Ten Regulatory Policy Stories of 2020 — Part I

This was the year in which many of our worst fears about the Trump administration came to pass. Racial unrest reached a boiling point. The GOP’s attacks on our democracy leading up to and after the election will take decades to fix. And of course, tens of thousands of lives have been needlessly lost to an unprecedented pandemic. It was an ugly year. Not surprisingly, most of 2020’s top regulatory policy stories were ugly too. The incoming Biden-Harris administration can put us back on the right track, but they have a lot of work ahead of them. Here are the first five of this year’s 10 most significant developments affecting regulatory policy and public protections.

Joel A. Mintz, Victor Flatt | December 18, 2020

Trump Damaged the EPA. Here’s How Michael Regan Can Rebuild It and Advance Equitable Environmental Protections.

President-elect Joe Biden is set to name Michael Regan to lead the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Regan is currently the secretary of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, and his past experience includes earlier stints at EPA and the Environmental Defense Fund. He would be the first Black man to serve as EPA administrator.

Hannah Wiseman | December 17, 2020

Jennifer Granholm and the Energy Department Can Usher in a Just Transition to Clean Energy. Here’s How.

President-elect Joe Biden is poised to name Jennifer Granholm to lead the U.S. Department of Energy, which oversees key energy efficiency standards, research, and development. Granholm is a former two-term governor of Michigan and a champion of using a clean energy transition to spur economic growth.

Robert L. Glicksman | December 17, 2020

Biden Nominated Deb Haaland to Lead the Department of the Interior. Here Are Five Top Priorities for the Agency.

President-elect Joe Biden tapped Deb Haaland to head up the U.S. Department of the Interior, which oversees our nation's public lands, wildlife conservation, and key aspects of energy development. Currently a House representative from New Mexico, Haaland has led the national parks, forests, and public lands subcommittee on the House Natural Resources Committee. She would be the first Native American to lead the department.

Robert Verchick | December 17, 2020

Biden Plans to Pick Brenda Mallory to Lead the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Here’s What She Can Do to Boost Public Protections.

President-elect Joe Biden is set to name Brenda Mallory to lead the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), the White House office that coordinates environmental policy across federal agencies. Mallory has more than three decades of environmental law and policy experience, served as CEQ general counsel under President Obama, and is currently director of regulatory policy at the Southern Environmental Law Center. Here are four things Mallory and CEQ could do right away to coordinate environmental policy across federal agencies and repair an office Donald Trump badly damaged.

Daniel Farber | December 15, 2020

Restoring Agency Norms

Donald Trump prided himself on his contempt for established norms of presidential action. Whole books have been written about how to restore those norms. Something similar also happened deeper down in the government, out in the agencies like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that do the actual work of governance. Trump appointees have corrupted agencies and trashed the norms that support agency integrity. It will take hard work to undo the harm. White House leadership is important, but success will require dedicated effort by the agency heads appointed by Biden.

Scott Stern | December 14, 2020

A New Strategy for Indigenous Climate Refugees

In the midst of a global pandemic and increasingly desperate attempts by the Trump administration to subvert the results of the 2020 election, it would be easy to miss a slew of recent news stories on individuals the media has termed "climate refugees." These are people who have been displaced due to catastrophic climate change, or who will be forced to flee as their homes become too hot, too cold, or too dry, or if they become regular targets of massive storms or end up underwater. As many of these stories have highlighted, among those most at risk are the Indigenous peoples of the United States. Yet, there is a potential path out of climate-induced devastation.

Daniel Farber | December 11, 2020

Downstream Emissions

A recent Ninth Circuit ruling overturned approval of offshore drilling in the Arctic. The ruling may directly impact the Trump administration's plans for oil leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). By requiring agencies to consider emissions when fossil fuels are ultimately burned, the Court of Appeals' decision may also change the way agencies consider other fossil fuel projects, such as gas pipelines.

Katlyn Schmitt | December 10, 2020

Environmental Enforcement in the COVID-19 Era

Ever since the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a dangerous (and now-rescinded) policy relaxing enforcement of environmental protections in March, the Center for Progressive Reform has watchdogged responses from state environmental agencies in three states in the Chesapeake Bay Region — Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. While the EPA essentially gave companies a free pass to hide pollution violations during the pandemic, most states set up processes to handle COVID-19-related noncompliance. Environmental agencies in the three states we monitored received dozens of waiver requests related to water, land, and air quality protections, pollution controls, sampling and monitoring, inspections, and critical infrastructure deadlines. A majority of these requests were related to the pandemic. But others, such as those seeking to delay important deadlines for construction projects, were not. This suggests that some polluters are using COVID-19 as an excuse to subvert or delay deadlines that prevent further air or water pollution.