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CPR’s 2018 Op-Eds, Part One

CPR’s Member Scholars and staff are off to a fast start on the op-ed front in 2018. We list them all on our op-ed page, but here’s a quick roundup of pieces they’ve placed so far.

Member Scholar Alejandro Camacho joins his UC-Irvine colleague Michael Robinson-Dorn in a piece published by The Conversation. In "Turning power over to states won't improve protection for endangered species," they summarize their recent analysis of state endangered species laws and state funding for enforcement. They write, “Our review shows that most states are poorly positioned to assume primary responsibility for endangered species protection. State laws generally are weaker and less comprehensive than the Endangered Species Act,” and the states themselves are contributing just 5 percent of funding for enforcement of the Act.

In the Bay Journal, Rena Steinzor and David Flores update an op-ed from the end of last year. In “Bay jurisdictions’ no-action climate policy puts restoration in peril,” they take states in the region to task for not adequately accounting for climate change in their Chesapeake Bay restoration planning and call on Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, chair of a key interstate council, to engage in “visible governor-to-governor lobbying.”

In The American Prospect, Tom McGarity pens "The Congressional Review Act: A Damage Assessment." He examines the history of the Gingrich-era law that creates a congressional fast-track for undoing recently adopted regulations, then sifts through the record-breaking 15 instances in which the GOP-controlled Congress and President Trump used the law to weaken protections for workers, the environment, consumers, investors, victims of gun violence, low-income women, and students. He explains, “The CRA gives opponents a far less transparent opportunity to lobby behind closed doors, to flood the media in congressional districts with advertisements, and to make strategic campaign contributions in pursuit of a joint resolution to kill a regulation outright.”

Steinzor also takes to The Hill to call out Attorney General Jeff Sessions for a series of steps to weaken enforcement and penalties for white collar crime while puffing himself up as a sort of “prosecutor-in-chief of street crime.” In "Justice Department’s enforcement policies make change for the worse," she writes, “Enforcement of federal environmental, consumer protection, and health and safety laws is at the heart of his job, but unfortunately, Sessions does not seem all that interested in doing it.”

Laurie Ristino, also in The Hill, describes a “legislative free-for-all leading up to the 2018 Farm bill that includes a fistful of bills that shield agri-business from responsibility for its environmental harms.” In "Congress just gave Big Agriculture the pollution green light," she says the bills amount to a “free pass to pollute” that would hobble local communities' efforts “to protect themselves from the pollution generated by ever-expanding Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)” – facilities “that can house thousands of animals, generating tons of feces and related toxic air emissions and water pollution.”

Finally, in The Washington Post, Lisa Heinzerling pushes back against the media interpretation that President Trump is wiping out the Obama regulatory legacy. In "Trump is losing his war on regulations," she writes that the “courts are not receiving the first phase of Trump’s deregulatory surge well. Federal courts have rejected the administration’s attempt to delay or suspend existing rules on such diverse matters as lead paint, energy efficiency and methane emissions from oil and gas facilities. Other pending cases may suffer similar fates…. The courts have found elementary legal mistakes in the Trump administration’s approach to agency decisions. Specifically, they have concluded that the administration has misread legal provisions, ignored factual evidence and bypassed required processes. And the courts have done so without breaking a judicial sweat.” She goes on to conclude that the administration’s poor batting average in court “bodes ill for its success in the next phase, which involves not just delaying or suspending existing rules, but actually removing them from the rule books. This effort will require fidelity to statutory requirements, painstaking review of lengthy, complex and technical records, and respectful attention to required processes. It is not clear yet that the administration has the temperament to undertake this patient work. If it does not, it has more losses to come in the courts.”

Showing 2,821 results

Matthew Freeman | April 11, 2018

CPR’s 2018 Op-Eds, Part One

CPR’s Member Scholars and staff are off to a fast start on the op-ed front in 2018. We list them all on our op-ed page, but here’s a quick roundup of pieces they’ve placed so far. Member Scholar Alejandro Camacho joins his UC-Irvine colleague Michael Robinson-Dorn in a piece published by The Conversation. In “Turning power […]

Evan Isaacson | April 9, 2018

Halftime for the Chesapeake Bay: New Webpage on Midpoint Assessment of Pollution Cleanup Effort

The Center for Progressive Reform has been closely watching the development and implementation of the Chesapeake Bay restoration plan since its inception. As part of our ongoing commitment to ensure the success of the plan, known as the Bay TMDL, we have developed a new web-based resource focused on the issues and decisions related to the TMDL's midpoint assessment […]

David Flores | April 5, 2018

New Policy Research from CPR’s Verchick Featured in Royal Society Report on Paris Climate Accord

A new report in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A published earlier this week presents a suite of new scientific and policy research meant to improve and drive forward progress under the Paris Climate Agreement. The report – from the oldest science journal in the western world – is the culmination of presentations […]

Daniel Farber | April 2, 2018

Climate Change in the Courts

There are three important climate lawsuits pending in federal court. Here’s the state of play and what to expect next. In the first case, Oakland and San Francisco sued leading oil companies. They claim that the companies’ production and sale of fossil fuels is a public nuisance under California state law. They seek an abatement […]

Joel Eisen | March 30, 2018

Coal and Nuclear Plant Bailout Would Be Unjustified Use of DOE’s Emergency Authority

It's no secret that the Trump administration and coal companies have drawn a bullseye on reversing coal's declining fortunes in wholesale electricity markets, where competition and inexpensive natural gas have driven coal's market share down from 50 percent in 1990 to about 30 percent today. Feeling bullish about their prospects in a sympathetic administration, owners […]

Evan Isaacson | March 29, 2018

What Happens on the Land Happens to the Water

This post is part of an ongoing series on the midpoint assessment and long-term goals of the Chesapeake Bay cleanup effort. In my last post, I described how a database housed by the Maryland Department of the Environment allows tracking of land development activities in real time. This database not only gives us the ability to track […]

| March 28, 2018

What the Failure to Account for Growth Looks Like in Maryland

This post is part of an ongoing series on the midpoint assessment and long-term goals of the Chesapeake Bay cleanup effort. In a recent post, I described the broad failure of Chesapeake Bay states to follow EPA’s basic expectations to account for pollution growth under the restoration framework known as the Bay TMDL. This failure is one […]

Rena Steinzor | March 27, 2018

The Guidance Racket

Originally published on The Regulatory Review. Reprinted with permission. The spirited conservative attack on regulatory guidance is both puzzling and hypocritical. Admittedly, agencies sometimes issue guidance to avoid the quicksand of informal rulemaking. But the law makes clear that without full-dress procedure, guidance can never replace rules and statutes in enforcement actions. Remedying agency overreach in […]

Katie Tracy | March 26, 2018

Oversight Needed for Maryland’s Occupational Safety and Health Division

Maryland’s Occupational Safety and Health division (MOSH) is struggling to carry out its mission of ensuring the health and safety of Maryland workers, according to CPR’s analysis of a mandatory performance report the agency provided to the state legislature late last year. The Maryland legislature mandated the report as a condition of releasing $250,000 of […]