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The Trump Administration’s Acknowledgement of Climate Change Is Cynical — and Potentially Sinister

As Juliet Eilperin, Brady Dennis, and Chris Mooney of The Washington Post reported on September 27, the Trump administration seems to finally be acknowledging that climate change is real. But the motivation for recognizing that reality is cynical, at best, so rather than proposing doing something – anything – about climate change, the administration concludes we shouldn't bother trying. 

Buried in a 500-page justification for a rule that would prevent California (and, by extension, other states) from regulating emissions of greenhouse gases from new vehicles, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states that any regulation of greenhouse gases would be futile because climate models show that global temperatures will increase by up to 7 degrees Fahrenheit no matter how the United States behaves. 

For years, many conservatives have denied that climate change is real and that humans have caused climate change by burning fossil fuels. Even as global temperatures have climbed to unprecedented levels, ice sheets have begun to fracture, hurricanes have become stronger and wetter, and droughts and wildfires have become increasingly prevalent, conservatives have pushed back against any link between fossil fuels and our changing climate – all in service of making sure we do nothing about it. 

Donald Trump took climate-change denial to new levels during the 2016 campaign, claiming that climate change is a "hoax" perpetuated by the Chinese to somehow weaken our economy. Following through on the "hoax" dodge, the Trump administration has pursued a strategy of rolling back scores of Obama-era environmental regulations, including nearly all of the Obama administration's standards to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Suddenly, however, NHTSA has offered a new rationale for the rollbacks: not only is climate change real, it's now unstoppable – and any effort to regulate greenhouse gas emissions is futile. 

It's hard to imagine a more cynical reversal in positions. But this reversal is more than just cynical. It could be the opening salvo of a downright malevolent effort to prevent states and concerned citizens from challenging the Trump administration's anti-environmental regulations in court. Under Supreme Court precedent, parties must demonstrate they have "standing" to sue in federal court. To demonstrate standing to challenge a federal agency action, a party must show that it has suffered an "injury in fact" that is caused by the agency action and that a federal court can remedy (or "redress"), at least in part, that injury. 

In the case of climate change-related injuries, the Supreme Court in 2007 held that states and private parties had standing to challenge the Bush administration's refusal to regulate greenhouse gases from motor vehicles because the state of Massachusetts had demonstrated the required injury, causal connection, and redressability. Specifically regarding the Court's ability to issue a decision that would redress Massachusetts's injuries (actual and future property losses from sea level rise, among others), Justice John Paul Stevens wrote that incremental progress toward addressing climate change was sufficient for standing purposes. 

The Trump administration's cynical claim that incremental efforts are futile could become the new strategy for the federal government and other polluters to deny states and concerned citizens access to the courts. Some lower courts have already intimated that climate change is not redressable; the Trump administration's new line of reasoning may soon be used to give courts the justification industry and its political allies have long sought to keep climate change out of our judicial system. 

The administration's cynical reversal in its positions is also, unsurprisingly, counter to science. Multiple studies demonstrate that we still have time to prevent runaway climate change, but they also show that we must act quickly to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the United States and around the world. 

So after maintaining for years that climate change is not real, President Trump now wants us to accept that it's not only real, but a lost cause. States and concerned citizens should be prepared to show the courts why that cynical view is wrong.

Showing 2,824 results

Melissa Powers | October 3, 2018

The Trump Administration’s Acknowledgement of Climate Change Is Cynical — and Potentially Sinister

As Juliet Eilperin, Brady Dennis, and Chris Mooney of The Washington Post reported on September 27, the Trump administration seems to finally be acknowledging that climate change is real. But the motivation for recognizing that reality is cynical, at best, so rather than proposing doing something – anything – about climate change, the administration concludes […]

Robert Verchick, Sidney A. Shapiro | October 2, 2018

Environmental Justice Is Worth Fighting For

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James Goodwin | October 1, 2018

Executive Order 12866 Is Basically Dead, and the Trump Administration Basically Killed It

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John Echeverria | September 28, 2018

Knick v. Township of Scott: Takings Advocates’ Nonsensical Forum Shopping Agenda

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Lisa Heinzerling | September 28, 2018

Argument Preview: Justices to Consider Critical-Habitat Designation for Endangered Frog

This post was originally published on SCOTUSblog. It is republished here under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 US). Editor's note: You can read Professor Heinzerling's follow-up post, which analyzes the oral arguments in this case, on SCOTUSblog. A tiny amphibian takes center stage in the first case of October 2018 term. The dusky gopher […]

Daniel Farber | September 27, 2018

The Case for Co-Benefits

Cross-posted from LegalPlanet. The Trump administration is moving toward the view, long popular in industry, that when it regulates a pollutant, EPA can consider only the health impacts of that particular pollutant – even when the regulation will also reduce other harmful pollutants. This idea is especially important in climate change regulation because cutting carbon emissions […]

James Goodwin | September 26, 2018

New Report: A Fair Economy Requires Access to the Courts

The confirmation hearing for Brett Kavanaugh offered Americans a contemporary reminder of what the Framers of the Constitution had in mind when it comes to protecting many of our fundamental rights and liberties. When it came to individual access to civil courts, a right guaranteed in the Seventh Amendment, they couldn't have been clearer. No […]

Alice Kaswan | September 26, 2018

Expanding Environmental Justice to Achieve a Just Transition

Originally published in The Regulatory Review as part of a series on social justice and the green economy. Reprinted with permission. A recent study tells us that Hurricane Maria, which struck Puerto Rico in September 2017, may have caused as many as 4,600 deaths, far exceeding the initial official death toll of 64. In contrast, contemporaneous hurricanes in Texas […]

Karen Sokol | September 26, 2018

From Surviving to Thriving: Seeking Climate Justice in the Common Law

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