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Beyond 12866: New CPR Initiative to Promote Administrative Agenda for Progressive Regulatory Reform

This week, CPR is launching its Beyond 12866 initiative, an online platform focused on promoting a progressive vision for rebuilding the U.S. regulatory system. Such a regulatory system will be essential not only to achieving the progressive vision of a more just and equitable society; it will also do the heavy practical lifting needed for implementing key elements of a progressive policy agenda, such as the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and Black Lives Matter movement.

This initiative begins from the recognition that in the near term, such progressive regulatory reform will need to be accomplished administratively, as opposed to legislatively, given the divisive politics of the issue and ongoing congressional dysfunction more generally. Using such administrative tools as executive orders and memoranda, the president in particular has considerable influence over how the regulatory system operates, and appropriately so given his (gendered language intended, unfortunately) position in our constitutional system.

Unfortunately, even nominally "liberal" presidents have wielded this influence in decidedly conservative, anti-regulatory ways.

Nowhere is this better exemplified than in Executive Order 12866, which along with the Administrative Procedure Act, essentially functions as a part of the "constitution" of our regulatory system. Put in place in 1993 by President Bill Clinton, the order articulates a negative and apologetic vision of regulation, essentially casting the whole enterprise as a regrettable but necessary evil that must be minimized at all costs. It puts that apology into action by establishing the current framework of centralized regulatory review superintended by the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) and conducted through the anti-regulatory lens of cost-benefit analysis – a framework that borrowed heavily from the one initially created by the original nemesis of regulation, President Ronald Reagan.

Whatever its merits might have been at the time, Executive Order 12866 is ill-suited to our current reality, both as a political and policy matter. The regulatory system is an essential and legitimate part of our democracy, and it has a vital role to play in implementing the nation's laws, particularly those protecting health, safety, and the environment. More to the point, the challenges we face are too great to warrant the moderate, incrementalist responses to foreseeable harms that the order is designed to promote. And the robust and energetic regulatory responses that the majority of Americans are calling for and deserve are anathema to the blinkered governing vision it embraces.

Thus, the Beyond 12866 initiative recognizes that the first necessary step toward building a progressive regulatory system is for the next president to repeal and replace Executive Order 12866. In the months ahead, CPR Member Scholars and staff will develop a body of work that takes a critical eye toward the order and details of needed administrative reforms for moving beyond it. This clearinghouse of materials will specifically cover the issues of a new progressive vision for regulation, a new and constructive role for OIRA, and a new approach to regulatory analysis to replace cost-benefit analysis. All will be informed by the need to restore people as primary focus for our regulatory system, rather than corporate profit. And they will be animated by an unwavering commitment to social justice and equity.

To help launch this initiative, I have published a pair of background web articles that detail the progressive case against the two key building blocks of Executive Order 12866: OIRA and cost-benefit analysis. In the OIRA web article, I trace out the secretive bureau's history and the problematic role it has played in the regulatory system for over 40 years. It concludes by outlining some recommendations for building a new agency that puts people first, by helping agencies achieve their protective missions in a timely and effective manner.

In the cost-benefit analysis article, I explain how economists' formalistic approach to the methodology has obtained its influential, albeit undeserved, role in shaping regulatory decision-making. This piece similarly concludes by outlining recommendations for a new approach to regulatory analysis to replace the economists' version of cost-benefit analysis – one that better accords with constitutional principles, legal requirements, and scientific integrity.

Be sure to bookmark the page and check back regularly as we expect to add new materials between now and early next year. Better still, drop me an email, and we'll be sure to send you periodic initiative updates.

Showing 2,822 results

James Goodwin | August 25, 2020

Beyond 12866: New CPR Initiative to Promote Administrative Agenda for Progressive Regulatory Reform

This week, CPR is launching its Beyond 12866 initiative, an online platform focused on promoting a progressive vision for rebuilding the U.S. regulatory system. Such a regulatory system will be essential not only to achieving the progressive vision of a more just and equitable society; it will also do the heavy practical lifting needed for implementing key elements of a progressive policy agenda, such as the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and Black Lives Matter movement.

Daniel Farber | August 24, 2020

Pandemic Lessons in Governance

The response to the COVID-19 pandemic has driven home some lessons about governance. Those lessons have broader application -- for instance, to climate governance. We can't afford for the federal government to flunk Crisis Management 101 again.

James Goodwin | August 20, 2020

The Congressional Review Act Could Be Put to Positive Short-Term Use, but It Should Still Be Repealed

The Congressional Review Act (CRA) is a bad law and should be repealed. Yet, it has taken on outsized importance given that it provides one of the few vehicles for moving substantive legislation through a hyper-polarized Congress. The upcoming elections are thrusting it back in the spotlight, so let’s talk about the CRA and how opponents of the Trump administration’s assault on public safeguards might put it to its highest and best use.

Amanda Cohen Leiter | August 13, 2020

My Growing Understanding of Environmental Justice

Environmental justice problems require a willingness to acknowledge privilege and adopt a more inclusive approach. I hope this post might prompt you to reflect, read, and start an uncomfortable conversation or two. We face existential environmental threats almost everywhere around the world, and we won’t succeed in combating them unless we’re all fighting together, for a healthy environment that everyone can enjoy.

William Buzbee | August 13, 2020

New Science Magazine Article Lays Bare Failings of Trump Navigable Waters Rule

A new article in Science magazine that I co-authored with a number of distinguished environmental science professors from around the country dissects the remarkable disregard for science that the Trump administration displayed in its recent dismantling of the 2015 Clean Water Rule, which protected millions of miles of rivers and acres of wetlands from polluters.

Sidney A. Shapiro | August 12, 2020

Administrative Procedures and Racism

Regulatory agencies do not appear to be permeated by overt racism, but structural or institutional racism exists if bias is built into existing institutions. We tend to think of administrative procedures as being neutral between competing points of view, but as the environmental justice movement (EJ) keeps reminding us, this is not necessarily so. It is no secret, for example, that the rulemaking process is dominated by corporate interests, and the same is true of the lobbying that occurs at agencies. Environmental and other public interest groups are hard pressed to match this advocacy. Less noticed is that the fact that there is little or no participation by marginalized communities in rulemaking, although as the pandemic has taught us, our most disadvantaged citizens are the ones that bear the brunt of inadequate government protections. Efforts to reach out and speak to such communities are simply not a regular part of rulemaking practice. True, there is no legal barrier to such participation, but there are considerable structural and economic barriers, which we simply overlook. The administrative process can be more inclusive, and it is time, past time really, to have a discussion how to make it so.

Kim Sudderth, Samuel Boden | August 11, 2020

Toxic Floodwaters and Pipelines in Hampton Roads

On October 20, 1994, rising floodwaters from the San Jacinto River in Houston, Texas, caused a pipeline to break open, allowing gasoline to gush out and the river to catch fire. Such flooding is increasingly likely as the effects of climate change take hold, and yet, in the quarter century since that disaster, the federal government has implemented no new regulations to ensure that oil and gas operators are adequately preparing for the risks from more frequent and intense floods caused by the climate crisis.

Darya Minovi, Katlyn Schmitt | August 5, 2020

Industry-Sponsored Air Monitoring ‘Study’ Provides No Assurances for Marylanders Living Near CAFOs

In July, the Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) released the findings of a new ambient air quality monitoring project focused on the state’s Lower Eastern Shore. This effort was announced more than a year ago as a partnership between the Delmarva Poultry Industry (DPI), a trade group for just what it sounds like, and MDE to monitor ammonia and particulate matter emissions from industrial poultry operations.

James Goodwin | August 4, 2020

CPR Comments Deliver Scathing Critique of EPA ‘Benefits-Busting’ Rule

Yesterday, I joined a group of CPR Member Scholars and staff in submitting comments on the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) "benefits-busting" proposal, which would drastically overhaul how the agency performs cost-benefit analysis on its biggest Clean Air Act rules. As we explain in our comments, the action is a thinly veiled effort to rig the results of those analyses – more so than they already are – to make it harder to issue appropriately strong safeguards, thereby sabotaging the effective and timely implementation of the Clean Air Act.