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New Webinar Series on Toxic Floodwaters: Communities and Advocates Tackle Climate-Driven Chemical Disaster

An extraordinary Atlantic hurricane season is still underway, one that has seen the National Hurricane Center exhaust its supply of names and resort to Greek alphabet for remaining storms. This month was the worst September on record in terms of the number of named storms, and 2020 overall is second only to 2005’s devastating succession of hurricanes (which included Katrina) in the number of named storms over the entire season.

There's no mystery as to why: Climate change is driving an increase in the frequency and strength of Atlantic hurricanes. And it's doing it at a time when affected communities – especially Black, Brown, and low-income communities – are all the more vulnerable to natural disaster due to the Trump administration’s rollbacks of environmental safeguards and its reckless response to the COVID-19 pandemic. While Trump is pouring fuel on the fire, 2020’s portent of a future dominated by intersecting environmental and social disasters is made possible only by long-term government inaction and half-measures that fail to address climate change, toxic pollution, and social and economic inequality.

On September 24, CPR and Waterkeeper Alliance convened the first in a series of webinars on climate-driven pollution and chemical disaster. The toxic floodwaters phenomenon only exists because of these intersecting policy failures, and it will take a bold and sophisticated community of activists to achieve intersecting reforms that prevent the harm of climate-driven pollution. Panelists Jamie Brunkow, Jordan Macha, and Victor Flatt are but a few within that community of climate and environmental advocates and scholars.

In this first webinar, panelists drew on their diverse expertise and experiences in the Gulf and Atlantic coastal regions to highlight the particular impacts of climate-driven pollution on water quality and the communities that depend on those water resources. James Riverkeeper Jamie Brunkow shared how his team at James River Association and its organizational and community partners secured state reforms to remediate flood-exposed toxic coal ash dumps and raised millions to install living shorelines that will brace coastal communities from sea level rise while protecting water quality.

Using the Superfund program and its many remaining climate-vulnerable toxic waste sites as an example, CPR Member Scholar and University of Houston Law Center Professor Victor Flatt described how the static nature of pollution regulation is partly responsible for failures to address climate-driven pollution and how broad reforms requiring coordinated adaptation policymaking among different government agencies can be part of the solution.

Jordan Macha, Executive Director and Waterkeeper for Bayou City Waterkeeper, emphasized how subverted enforcement and racial and social inequities in the regulation of industrial pollution are putting vulnerable communities in Houston at greatest risk for climate and disaster harms – the same communities leading the movement for climate and environmental justice from the frontlines.

Even as incidents like the Arkema chemical plant explosion driven by Hurricane Harvey have grabbed headlines (and led to a climate justice movement in the courts), the Trump administration has repealed federal safeguards against chemical disasters at tens of thousands of the largest, most polluting hazardous industrial facilities in the nation. The rollback of the Chemical Disaster Prevention rule unravels years of study and hard-fought negotiation by frontline communities and their allies that led to requirements for third-party inspections, after-incident investigations, and increased public transparency. Trump has also hobbled the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, stripping the Board of its authority to even publish its investigations of often-fatal chemical disasters. The administration’s blind zeal for deregulation at all costs – all of it at the expense of the health of fenceline communities and the environment – has also undermined federal Clean Water protections against chemical disaster. After decades of advocacy and litigation that led to a federal consent decree, Trump’s EPA "promulgated" a rule to address the risks posed by unregulated aboveground hazardous chemical storage tanks – by issuing no rule at all.

Public-interest litigators, affected communities, and their leaders continue to battle this administration’s legally, technically, and morally corrupt crusade against public safeguards in the federal courts while also forging new reforms through regulatory advocacy. Through joint advocacy by CPR, Waterkeeper Alliance, and our allies, we are pushing EPA to adopt the agency’s own proposed provisions for reporting storm and flood risks and to make explicit existing requirements to respond to the risk that extreme weather poses to industrial facilities. In our comment letter on EPA’s proposed Clean Water Act Multi-Sector General Permit, water advocates describe how applicants and regulators must ensure that stormwater pollution prevention controls must respond to present-day and future flood and storm risks.

In late August, in the face of one such storm-related toxic emissions incident, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards advised fenceline residents to stay in their homes, shut windows, and turn off their air conditioners. Affluent communities in Louisiana would surely scoff at such an order, especially under the heavy humidity and heat of late summer. However, shutting windows for fear of exposure to toxic air emissions is a routine concern among Black communities like Mossville, Louisiana, where homes along the fenceline are surrounded by one of the largest concentrations of petrochemical facilities nationwide. At that moment, all eyes were on the BioLab chemical plant as Category 4 Hurricane Laura, one of the strongest to hit Louisiana in the last 160 years, tore through the region and induced an inferno at the plant, which spewed toxic, black smoke and poisonous chlorine gas. The incident drew national attention for a few days, but for local residents, it's not a passing problem. Residents of Mossville endure BioLab’s daily chlorine emissions that number in the tens of thousands of pounds per year, their homes and bodies poisoned by and sacrificed to the petrochemical industry.

Coming up next: Informed by the experience of toxic floodwaters from Hurricane Sandy, the panelists featured in the next webinar in our series (October 20) will focus on environmental health effects of toxic floodwaters and the strategies that community-based organizations are undertaking to prevent flood and chemical disasters in one New York City neighborhood. Register for the webinar and learn more about our panelists Jalisa Gilmore (NYC-Environmental Justice Alliance), Shahela Begum (UPROSE), Ramya Chari (RAND Corporation), and CPR Member Scholar Rebecca Bratspies.

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David Flores | September 25, 2020

New Webinar Series on Toxic Floodwaters: Communities and Advocates Tackle Climate-Driven Chemical Disaster

On September 24, CPR and Waterkeeper Alliance convened the first in a series of webinars on climate-driven pollution and chemical disaster. The toxic floodwaters phenomenon only exists because of a set of intersecting policy failures, and it will take a bold and sophisticated community of activists to achieve intersecting reforms that prevent the harm of climate-driven pollution. Panelists Jamie Brunkow, Jordan Macha, and Victor Flatt are but a few within that community of climate and environmental advocates and scholars.

James Goodwin | September 24, 2020

Citizen Suits Are Good for the Regulatory System, and We Need More of Them

An underappreciated side effect of the modern conservative movement now epitomized by Trumpism is its dogged pursuit of any legal argument to support “the cause,” no matter how ridiculous or specious. Long-settled questions like nondelegation and the constitutionality of independent regulatory agencies are suddenly, if bizarrely, up for grabs again. Add to this list a new line of argument – now germinating like a mushroom spore in horse manure – that posits that citizen suit provisions, such as those included in the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act, are unconstitutional infringements upon the so-called unitary executive.

Daniel Farber | September 22, 2020

Fighting Global Warming in a Chilly Judicial Climate

With Sen. Mitt Romney's announcement that he would support consideration of a nominee before the election, it now seems virtually certain that President Trump will be able to appoint a sixth conservative justice. How will that affect future climate policy? Here is a preliminary threat assessment.

Rebecca Bratspies | September 21, 2020

Environmental Justice Is Not Un-American

Recently, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler spoke to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the EPA's founding. He used the opportunity to reiterate the agency's commitment to its “straightforward” mission to “protect human health and the environment.” He also emphasized that the agency’s mission meant “ensuring that all Americans – regardless of their zip code – have clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, and clean land to live, work, and play upon.” Yet just last week, EPA postponed an internal speaker series on environmental justice. The reason for this postponement: the appalling suggestion, as per a recent White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) memo, that recognizing racial disparities in environmental protection is somehow "un-American."

Joel A. Mintz, Victor Flatt | September 17, 2020

Pandemic Spawns Dangerous Relaxation of Environmental Regulations

The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in a wave of worrisome and needless regulatory relaxations that have increased pollution across the United States. Recent reporting by the Associated Press and other outlets has documented more than 3,000 pandemic-based requests from polluters to state agencies and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for waivers of environmental requirements. Numerous state governments, with the tacit encouragement of the EPA, went along with many of those requests.

Rena Steinzor | September 16, 2020

The Pandemic’s Toll on Science

Presidents since Ronald Reagan have endorsed the assumption that government is too big and too intrusive. Yet the figurative poster children targeted by these chill words have been public health agencies heavily dependent on science-based decision-making as opposed to—as just one example—the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. No president has spent any concerted amount of time explaining how protective public health interventions, including regulation, make life better. No president has praised the civil servants who weather seemingly endless—and enervating—disputes over science and law that make it possible to deliver those protections. For the sake of the civil service and its broken morale, and for the American people, who are exhausted and rendered hopeless by the indiscriminate attacks on the government’s competence to keep the population safe, the next president should use the bully pulpit to advance a positive narrative about government’s accomplishments.

Joel A. Mintz | September 15, 2020

Citizen Suits, Environmental Settlements, and the Constitution: Part II

As I noted in a previous post, the pending case of United States v. DTE Energy, Inc. tacitly raises issues concerning the constitutionality of both Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs) and the citizen suit provisions of environmental laws. This second post considers another constitutional issue that may emerge in the DTE Energy litigation: whether SEP agreements -- and citizen suits more generally -- interfere with a “core executive function” of the president and executive branch and longstanding constitutional notions of separation of powers. To resolve that question soundly, one must look to the text of the Constitution itself, the Federalist Papers, and the relevant body of law that the lower federal courts have already developed.

Joel A. Mintz | September 14, 2020

Citizen Suits, Environmental Settlements, and the Constitution: Part I

Over the past few years, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has shown increasing hostility to the use of Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs) in settlements of federal environmental enforcement cases. Aside from a series of ever-tightening SEP policies, however, DOJ has never asserted in court that these projects are unconstitutional. At least not yet.

Matthew Freeman | September 9, 2020

They Can’t Breathe!

CPR Board President Rob Verchick is out with a new episode of the Connect the Dots podcast, the first in a new season focused on climate justice. As he puts it, "We’re looking at people living in the cross hairs of climate change, those disproportionately carrying the burden of the world and suffering on a daily basis."