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Top Ten Regulatory Policy Stories to Look Out for in 2021 — Part I

Thanks to the recent presidential election results, I’m able to do something I haven’t done in a long time: look at a new year with something resembling hope and optimism. As noted in my December 21 posts, the Trump administration wreaked havoc on our system of regulatory safeguards in 2020, as it did in previous years. The incoming Biden-Harris administration brings a strong mandate to undo the damage — and to go further by building a more just and people-centered government that can meet the pressing challenges America faces.

CPR recently launched Policy for a Just America with this opportunity in mind. This initiative aims to rebuild and reimagine government and offers detailed recommendations aimed at promoting a more robust and responsive regulatory system.

Will we seize the moment? Here are the first five of 10 storylines I’ll be following this year. Each could significantly influence efforts to build a regulatory system that can deliver safeguards that the American public expect and deserve.

  1. Will the U.S. Senate runoffs in Georgia put the Congressional Review Act (CRA) in play? Winning these elections would give Democrats full control of the White House and both chambers of Congress - and the opportunity to use the CRA's fast-track procedures to repeal the Trump administration's most recent regulatory actions. But just because Democrats can use the CRA doesn't mean they should. Aggressive use of the law would normalize the Trump administration's abuse of it. Because CRA is asymmetrically biased against progressives' policy priorities, Democrats may not want to go down that road.

  2. Who will President-elect Biden pick as his OIRA administrator? Biden has assembled a climate-focused team with his nominations for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Departments of Energy and the Interior, and the White House Council of Environmental Quality. But those picks won't mean much if he chooses a centrist who is hostile to or skeptical of regulations to run the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). Progressives are watching this pick closely, as it will provide the clearest signal yet as to how seriously Biden plans to pursue his agenda. CPR and our allies are urging Biden to select someone who is committed to using regulations to advance the common good and is appropriately skeptical of cost-benefit analysis - a practice that forces regulators to convert efforts to protect people and the planet into dollars and cents. Decades of experience have shown that cost-benefit analysis is flawed in practice and intrinsically biased against effective safeguards.

  3. What, if anything, will Biden do with Executive Order 12866? This order, which establishes the current framework for OIRA's regulatory review process, including the use of cost-benefit analysis, poses a huge obstacle to the Biden-Harris administration's ability to carry out its policy agenda. Biden could retain Executive Order 12866 and supplement it with a new one, as President Obama did with Executive Order 13563. But it's not clear what a supplemental order could say that would be new or useful. For example, the Obama order never lived up to its promise of making cost-benefit analyses less rigid and more attentive to issues of fairness and social justice. Or, Biden could scrap the order altogether and replace it with a progressive alternative, as CPR urges in its Beyond 12866 initiative. Or, he could proceed with business as usual, which would mean OIRA's stifling review process and cost-benefit analysis would continue to weaken and delay essential safeguards.

  4. Will Biden rescind all of Trump's dangerous executive orders on regulations? Over the last four years, Trump issued several executive orders that sought to tie the regulatory system in knots and prioritize corporate profits over public protections. These included his infamous "two-out, one-in" regulatory budget order, which requires agencies to revoke two regulations for every new one issued. Trump's orders also undermine agency use of guidance documents, attack the civil service, weaken regulatory enforcement, and give fossil fuel polluters carte blanche to destroy the environment. Biden can and should demonstrate his commitment to rebuilding the regulatory system by rescinding all of these orders early on, if not on Day One.

  5. Will the 'Trump' Supreme Court weaken the regulatory system? The addition of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court all but ensures a majority of justices will be willing to undo key legal doctrines that undergird the modern regulatory system. Barrett could help revive the non-delegation doctrine, which would effectively end Congress's ability to rely on laws such as the Clean Air Act to address far-reaching and complex social problems. Or she could join the Court's other conservatives in striking down Chevron deference, a principle that gives agencies the first chance to resolve ambiguities in federal laws that direct agencies to protect people and the environment, ensuring their effective implementation. Conservative legal organizations are no doubt working to bring cases that test these and other regulatory policy doctrines before the Court as soon as possible.

In my next post, I'll wrap up my top 10 list of regulatory stories to look out for this year.

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James Goodwin | January 4, 2021

Top Ten Regulatory Policy Stories to Look Out for in 2021 — Part I

Thanks to the recent presidential election results, I’m able to do something I haven’t done in a long time: look at a new year with something resembling hope and optimism. As noted in my December 21 posts, the Trump administration wreaked havoc on our system of regulatory safeguards in 2020, as it did in previous years. The incoming Biden-Harris administration brings a strong mandate to undo the damage -- and to go further by building a more just and people-centered government that can meet the pressing challenges America faces. Will they seize the moment? Here are the first five of 10 storylines I’ll be following this year. Each could significantly influence efforts to build a regulatory system that can deliver safeguards that the American public expect and deserve.

James Goodwin | January 4, 2021

Top Ten Regulatory Policy Stories to Look Out for in 2021 — Part II

In my previous post, I began my review of 10 key regulatory policy stories to watch out for as 2021 gets underway. In this piece, I wrap up that list and offer some closing thoughts.

James Goodwin | December 21, 2020

Top Ten Regulatory Policy Stories of 2020 — Part I

This was the year in which many of our worst fears about the Trump administration came to pass. Racial unrest reached a boiling point. The GOP’s attacks on our democracy leading up to and after the election will take decades to fix. And of course, tens of thousands of lives have been needlessly lost to an unprecedented pandemic. It was an ugly year. Not surprisingly, most of 2020’s top regulatory policy stories were ugly too. The incoming Biden-Harris administration can put us back on the right track, but they have a lot of work ahead of them. Here are the first five of this year’s 10 most significant developments affecting regulatory policy and public protections.

James Goodwin | December 21, 2020

Top Ten Regulatory Policy Stories of 2020 — Part II

In my last post, I began counting down the top ten most significant developments affecting regulatory policy and public protections from the past year. This post completes the task.

Joel A. Mintz, Victor Flatt | December 18, 2020

Trump Damaged the EPA. Here’s How Michael Regan Can Rebuild It and Advance Equitable Environmental Protections.

President-elect Joe Biden is set to name Michael Regan to lead the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Regan is currently the secretary of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, and his past experience includes earlier stints at EPA and the Environmental Defense Fund. He would be the first Black man to serve as EPA administrator.

Robert L. Glicksman | December 17, 2020

Biden Nominated Deb Haaland to Lead the Department of the Interior. Here Are Five Top Priorities for the Agency.

President-elect Joe Biden tapped Deb Haaland to head up the U.S. Department of the Interior, which oversees our nation's public lands, wildlife conservation, and key aspects of energy development. Currently a House representative from New Mexico, Haaland has led the national parks, forests, and public lands subcommittee on the House Natural Resources Committee. She would be the first Native American to lead the department.

Robert Verchick | December 17, 2020

Biden Plans to Pick Brenda Mallory to Lead the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Here’s What She Can Do to Boost Public Protections.

President-elect Joe Biden is set to name Brenda Mallory to lead the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), the White House office that coordinates environmental policy across federal agencies. Mallory has more than three decades of environmental law and policy experience, served as CEQ general counsel under President Obama, and is currently director of regulatory policy at the Southern Environmental Law Center. Here are four things Mallory and CEQ could do right away to coordinate environmental policy across federal agencies and repair an office Donald Trump badly damaged.

Hannah Wiseman | December 17, 2020

Jennifer Granholm and the Energy Department Can Usher in a Just Transition to Clean Energy. Here’s How.

President-elect Joe Biden is poised to name Jennifer Granholm to lead the U.S. Department of Energy, which oversees key energy efficiency standards, research, and development. Granholm is a former two-term governor of Michigan and a champion of using a clean energy transition to spur economic growth.

Daniel Farber | December 15, 2020

Restoring Agency Norms

Donald Trump prided himself on his contempt for established norms of presidential action. Whole books have been written about how to restore those norms. Something similar also happened deeper down in the government, out in the agencies like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that do the actual work of governance. Trump appointees have corrupted agencies and trashed the norms that support agency integrity. It will take hard work to undo the harm. White House leadership is important, but success will require dedicated effort by the agency heads appointed by Biden.