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This Labor Day, Let’s Protect Workers from Extreme Heat

Labor Day got its start in the late 19th Century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers make to America’s strength, prosperity, and wellbeing.

In addition to our usual picnics and barbeques, we should spend this day uplifting laborers who work in conditions in dire need of regulation — including those exposed to extreme heat or who work in hot environments.

Physical activity makes it difficult for the body to cool itself down, especially as temperatures and humidity rise. The effects can be dangerous, ranging from dizziness, nausea, cramps, exhaustion, and vomiting to faster heart rates and deadly heatstroke. Exposure to extreme heat can also exacerbate preexisting respiratory and heart conditions.

People who work in hot conditions are in special danger. Indeed, heat killed 815 workers on the job between 1992 and 2017 and seriously injured 70,000 more, according to federal records.

And yet: No federal standard protects workers from heat or heat stress.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is responsible for protecting laborers from workplace hazards. Yet it has not set a specific standard for workers in hot environments. 

The agency has ignored three CDC recommendations to identify a temperature level above which conditions are deemed inherently unsafe for workers. It has also denied similar petitions from occupational and environmental groups.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention first called on OSHA to establish heat-specific protections for workers back in 1975, and it has repeated the call twice in the half century since. Its most recent call came in 2016, in the form of a 200-page report that included new research on how heat stress manifests in laborers. The report also expressed concern about the effect of climate change on workers.

New laws will save lives

Providing workers with rest and shade at increasingly frequent intervals as temperatures rise can save lives. So too can acclimating workers to heat by gradually increasing work hours and work intensity amid high temperatures. Employers must take people’s preexisting health conditions into greater consideration when making work assignments.

In the absence of federal action, California, Washington, Oregon have enacted legislation to protect workers, and other states are considering state-based heat stress standards.

Even so, most of the nation’s workers lack protections. Construction workers, farmworkers and others who work outdoors are suffering, and are particularly vulnerable to heat due to the strenuous nature of their work. Construction workers, for example, comprise just 6 percent of the U.S. workforce but 36 percent of all occupational heat-related deaths.

Indoor workers are also at risk. Many warehouses and meatpacking facilities lack air conditioning, a growing danger as cooler northern latitudes face warming temperatures. Workers at restaurants, laundries, poultry plants, and other spaces are at risk too.

Sadly, this problem is worsening. By the middle of this century, Florida and Texas will see an additional month’s worth of days where heat and humidity combine to feel hotter than 90 degrees, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists.

We need to protect workers now, before more fall ill, get injured, or die on the job.

We need standards that address temperature, humidity, and other relevant factors like work in direct sunlight, clothing (which can impair sweating), and workload (which increases body heat). Employers must also be required to provide workers with sufficient amounts of cool drinking water and regular rest breaks in shaded areas (especially for those experiencing symptoms). Workers and supervisors need health and safety training. And whistleblowers need protections, as do those who must stop work to protect themselves from heat illness.

In March, lawmakers in the U.S. House and Senate introduced the Asunción Valdivia Heat Illness and Fatality Prevention Act of 2021. Named for a California farmworker who died of heat stroke after a 10-hour shift in 105-degree heat, this legislation would require OSHA to issue a federal standard for heat stress protections tailored to specific workplace hazards and with meaningful participation of employees (and their representatives when applicable). It would also guarantee workers exposed to high heat paid breaks in cool or shaded environments and access to water.

Only nine senators — representing less than a fifth of the Senate Democratic caucus — and 72 members of the House are listed as cosponsors of this important bill. CPR urgently calls on lawmakers to get on board and get this legislative train moving now, before the political climate changes in the next election cycle. Workers risk their lives for all of us. It’s time to support them.

Showing 2,822 results

Marcha Chaudry | September 3, 2021

This Labor Day, Let’s Protect Workers from Extreme Heat

No federal standard currently protects workers from heat or heat stress. Between 1992 and 2017, heat killed 815 workers on the job and seriously injured 70,000 more, according to federal records. It's time to support America's laborers and their many contributions workers make to America’s strength, prosperity, and wellbeing. Here's how.

Allison Stevens | September 2, 2021

Virginia Mercury Op-ed: Cleaning up ‘forever chemicals’ must be a federal priority

The U.S. Senate faces a long to-do list when it reconvenes next month. U.S. Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Fairfax,  wants to be sure an important but fairly obscure environmental health bill makes the list.

James Goodwin, Robert Verchick | September 2, 2021

The Hill Op-Ed: A Legal Pillar of Environmental Justice Is Now Under Attack

Environmental justice advocates have long recognized that procedural fairness is just as important as substantive fairness. That’s why they are concerned with not only how environmental benefits and harms are distributed, but also how those decisions are made. Given its attention to procedural fairness, the National Environmental Policy Act breathes life into environmental justice principles, even though it preceded the formal launch of the environmental justice movement by more than a decade.

Darya Minovi, Katlyn Schmitt | August 30, 2021

Virginia Must Act Now to Hold Polluters Accountable

Virginia is home to thousands of unregulated and aging aboveground hazardous chemical storage tanks, which, when exposed to storms or floods, may be at greater risk of failing or spills. This risk — and the threat it poses to our health and safety — is rising as our climate changes.

Joel A. Mintz | August 30, 2021

The Hill Op-Ed: UN Glasgow Summit May Be Our Last Chance to Prevent Self-Created Climate Disaster

In the first segment of its Sixth Assessment, issued earlier this month, the IPCC report states that it "provides a full and comprehensive assessment of the physical science basis of climate change that builds upon the previous assessments ... and considers new information and knowledge from the recent scientific literature, including longer observational data sets, new scenarios and model results." This authoritative document draws conclusions that are deeply alarming. While (like all prior assessments) the report does not recommend specific remedial actions, the latest report implicitly suggests an urgent need for collective action to avoid natural devastation and massive future human catastrophes.

Rebecca Bratspies | August 23, 2021

Building Environmental Justice in New York City

This November, New York voters will decide whether to enshrine an explicit environmental right in their state constitution. If adopted, the new section will read, “Every person shall have a right to clean air and water, and a healthful environment.” New York would join several other states, as well as the United Nations and roughly 150 countries across the globe, in recognizing a fundamental human right to breathe clean air and drink clean water. We all deserve to live in healthy communities. Yet, the grim reality is that Black communities, communities of color, and low-income communities frequently have to fight tooth-and-nail for these basic human rights. This situation is neither accidental nor inevitable. New York City is a clear example.

Karen Sokol | August 18, 2021

Bloomberg Law Op-ed: IPCC Report Shows Urgent Need for Two International Climate Policies

The Interdisciplinary Panel on Climate Change report released Aug. 9 declared that evidence is now unequivocal that human activity is driving global warming, and immediate steps must be taken to mitigate profound changes. Karen C. Sokol, professor at Loyola University New Orleans College of Law and CPR Member Scholar, says two essential international policies must be taken -- ending fossil fuel production and providing communities with the resources to adapt.

Melissa Lutrell, Sidney A. Shapiro | August 17, 2021

The Hill Op-ed: Regulatory Analysis Is Too Important to Be Left to the Economists

The surging COVID-19 delta variant is sending thousands of people to the hospital, killing others, and straining several states' hospital systems to their breaking point. The climate crisis is hurting people, communities and countries as we write this piece, with apocalyptic wildfires, crippling droughts and raging floodwaters. Systemic racism continues unabated, leading to vast economic and environmental injustices. It's beyond time for urgent action, but to get there, the federal government must reform the opaque, biased method it uses to evaluate our nation's public health, economic and environmental protections.

Karen Sokol | August 13, 2021

The Hill Op-ed: The Policy Significance of the Polluters Pay Climate Fund Act

On Aug. 9, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published the first installment of its latest report assessing the state of scientific knowledge about the climate crisis. As United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres put it in a press release, the report is nothing less than “a code red for humanity.” The good news is that the science indicates that there is still time to respond by taking drastic and rapid action to shift from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy and to keep people safe in the face of the dangerous changes in the climate system that have already taken place. That will be expensive, and a group of senators led by Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) plan to introduce legislation based on the well-established legal and moral principle that those who cause damage should pay for it.