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CPR Scholarship Roundup: Resilience and Adaptive Management — Protecting Natural Resources in a Changing World

One of the ongoing tensions in environmental law is the conflict between uniformity and flexibility, constancy and change. Many of the environmental successes over the past thirty years derive from uniform standards that are straightforward to administer and enforce. The Clean Water Act’s requirement, for example, that all industrial polluters are obligated to utilize the same end-of-pipe, technology-based pollution controls is responsible for dramatically cleaning up our waters.

There are, of course, still more low-hanging fruit to be addressed under our existing laws, but building upon the environmental gains we have made is also challenge. The remaining problems are often complex, the pollution sources more dispersed, ecosystems change. Developing policies to clean up or prevent a particular mess is one thing, but developing policies that respond to new scientific information and promote ecosystem health more broadly is quite another. Environmental managers, regulators, and policymakers are thus growing increasingly interested in the concept of resilience to develop new approaches to protecting natural resources, particularly in light of climate change.

Ecologists at the Resilience Alliance define resilience as “the capacity of an ecosystem to tolerate disturbance without changing into a qualitatively different state.” Put another way, resilience is the ability to persist and adapt to stress and change without falling apart. So some key questions for natural resource managers include: How do we develop ecosystem resilience? When is it too late? What laws and policies foster or impede resilience? What adaptive management practices promote or impede resilience?

CPR member scholars Mary Jane Angelo, Alyson Flournoy, Rob Glicksman, and Sandi Zellmer tackled some of the questions surrounding adaptive management and resilience theory, participating in Resilience and Environmental Law, a symposium hosted at the University of Nebraska. The articles they wrote for the symposium appeared in the Nebraska Law Review this summer.

  • In Ecosystem Resilience to Disruptions Linked to Global Climate Change: An Adaptive Approach to Federal Land Management, 87 Neb. L. Rev. 833 (2009), Rob Glicksman describes the new challenges climate change will create for federal land management, highlighting the deficiencies in the nature, scope, and implementation under current statutes to protect public lands. Glicksman recommends ten changes in law and policy to help federal land managers to better mitigate the causes of, and adapt to, the impacts of climate change. For example, because the effects of climate change are not and will not be bounded by human jurisdictional designations yet only Congress has the authority to create or change the boundaries of wilderness areas, Glicksman proposes that Congress establish the means for land management agencies to plan beyond their existing boundaries and prepare “to change the status of particular land units, alter the mix of permissible uses, and alter the boundaries of adjacent units (e.g., a national wildlife refuge next to a national forest) to accommodate species migrations and other climate-related changes in the condition and location of resources such as wildlife.” He also suggests changes in practice that can increase resilience and facilitate adaptation, maintaining that land management agencies should have enhanced authority to manage external threats to the resources under their control.
  • In Why Resilience May Not Always Be a Good Thing: Lessons in Ecosystem Restoration from Glen Canyon and the Everglades, 87 Neb. L. Rev. 893 (2009), Sandi Zellmer and Lance Gunderson, an ecologist and member of the Resilience Alliance, describe how federal and state resource managers have managed the extremely complex systems of the Florida Everglades and the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River. Their analysis resulted in three broad observations: “(1) adaptive governance and consensus-based management are not the same thing, and the latter can sabotage rather than promote restoration initiatives; (2) heavy reliance on engineered solutions increases the likelihood of failure; and (3) a continuing commitment to adaptive management is critical in achieving restoration success.” Using the case studies to illuminate the links between “ecological principles and legal analysis,” the authors also demonstrate that resilience applies to social systems in addition to ecological systems – with the unfortunate result that “pathologically resilient institutions” often trump restoration progress.
  • In Stumbling Toward Success: A Story of Adaptive Law and Ecological Resilience, 87 Neb. L. Rev. 950 (2009), Mary Jane Angelo uses a case study of Lake Apopka to show how adaptive management can be used successfully to restore a badly degraded system. Angelo’s story is encouraging, but realistic, noting the many barriers that complicated restoration efforts, such as lack of information and complexity. She notes how several approaches were required to make gains, observing that, while adaptive management at its best learns from its mistakes, policymakers and the public are far less tolerant of uncertainty, which pressures environmental managers to ignore new information or “spin” the old. Angelo also describes how using “nature as a blueprint” was a key factor in the lake’s restoration, as “reintroducing littoral zones, adjacent wetlands, restructuring of the fish populations, planting bottom-stabilizing vegetation and reducing nutrient inputs” were essential components of restoration success.
  • In Protecting a Natural Resource Legacy While Promoting Resilience: Can It Be Done?, 87 Neb. L. Rev. 1008 (2009), Alyson Flournoy proposes new legislation -- the National Environmental Legacy Act -- to more effectively protect public natural resources. The bill would seek to remedy the lack of meaningful long-term conservation goals for public resources as well as the lack of associated enforceable constraints on our depletion and degradation of these resources. In her article, Flournoy evaluates the extent to which the Act’s design is consistent with the ecological insights of resilience, concluding that the concept of resilience eases the “tensions that bedevil efforts to design laws that are enforceable and yet ecologically sound,” because it takes uncertainty into account.  

Showing 2,823 results

Shana Campbell Jones | August 11, 2009

CPR Scholarship Roundup: Resilience and Adaptive Management — Protecting Natural Resources in a Changing World

One of the ongoing tensions in environmental law is the conflict between uniformity and flexibility, constancy and change. Many of the environmental successes over the past thirty years derive from uniform standards that are straightforward to administer and enforce. The Clean Water Act’s requirement, for example, that all industrial polluters are obligated to utilize the […]

Holly Doremus | August 11, 2009

The Need for, and Challenges of, Climate Adaptation

This item cross-posted by permission from Legal Planet. When it comes to climate change, lawyers and policymakers (and scientists too) have been guilty of emphasizing greenhouse gas emission reduction, almost to the exclusion of everything else. Adapting to climate change has taken a distant back seat, even as it has become increasingly clear that the […]

Wendy Wagner | August 10, 2009

A New Look at Science in Regulatory Policy

On Wednesday, the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Science for Policy Project released its report (press release, full report) on the use of science in regulation-making. I was on the panel and thus am a bit biased, but I think the report makes a terrific contribution. It significantly narrows the range of positions that can be credibly […]

Matthew Freeman | August 10, 2009

Sid Shapiro Interview on Michaels Nomination to OSHA

CPR's Sid Shapiro is interviewed in this week's edition of Living On Earth, the environment-focused public radio show heard in 300 markets around the nation.  The subject is David Michaels's nomination to head the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.   Says Shapiro:  "David Michaels has his job cut out for him. I think it's fair […]

Alexandra Klass | August 6, 2009

Carbon Capture and Sequestration: An Assessment of the Facts (Below) the Ground Today

One of many approaches to combating climate change is “Carbon Capture and Geologic Sequestration” (CCS). It’s a pretty straightforward idea: capture climate-change-causing carbon emissions and lock them up underground, rather than letting them float up into the atmosphere where they would contribute to global warming. The concept may be simple, but the actual engineering of […]

Matt Shudtz | August 5, 2009

Thoughts on Tuesday’s Senate Hearing on Preemption

Following up on Ben’s post about Tuesday’s Senate HELP Committee hearing on medical device preemption, I’d like to respond to three issues that came up during the question-and-answer session. Innovation: Senators Harkin and Hatch had a bit of a disagreement about whether the possibility of tort liability stifles innovation by medical device firms. Peter Barton […]

Ben Somberg | August 4, 2009

McGarity Testifies on Medical Device Safety

CPR Member Scholar Thomas McGarity testified this afternoon at a hearing of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions on the issue of medical device safety (written testimony, press release). Currently, individuals injured by a faulty medical device generally cannot sue the device manufacturer in state courts if that device was fully approved […]

Shana Campbell Jones | August 3, 2009

The Chesapeake Bay and Beyond: Pollution Targets Met, Not Just Set

Today, the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee’s Subcommittee on Water and Wildlife is holding a hearing entitled “A Renewed Commitment to Protecting the Chesapeake Bay: Reauthorizing the Chesapeake Bay Program.” Here’s something that should be on Congress’s agenda: making the Bay-wide TMDL (“pollution cap”) enforceable to ensure that it is actually implemented. First, some […]

James Goodwin | August 3, 2009

CPR Scholars Submit Comments on Reforming ESA’s Inter-Agency Consultation Regulations

Today, I joined CPR Member Scholars Mary Jane Angelo, Holly Doremus, and Dan Rohlf in submitting comments to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)—one of the agencies charged with primary responsibility for executing the Endangered Species Act (ESA)—suggesting several ways to improve the regulations for implementing interagency consultations under the Act. Under Section 7 […]