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Next Up on BPA: EPA’s Chemical Action Plan?

FDA scientists have had a chance to develop an assessment of the risks of BPA in food contact applications using a fuller body of low-dose studies and concluded last week that there’s some concern about the potential effects of BPA on the brain, behavior, and prostate gland of fetuses, infants and children (for a helpful analysis of the context of FDA’s decision, see Sarah Vogel’s post at The Pump Handle). Now, it’s time to look at what EPA is doing with respect to the ubiquitous endocrine-disrupting chemical.

In late September, Lisa Jackson announced that EPA’s Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics would develop “action plans” for four chemicals or groups of chemicals, outlining potential future regulatory actions aimed at protecting the public and the environment from unreasonable risk. BPA was one of the candidates for an action plan, but when EPA released its four plans on December 30, BPA’s was not among them. EPA’s reason for delaying the BPA action plan was that it was waiting on FDA’s newest analysis and the results of $30 million worth of new studies being conducted under various grants from NIEHS.

But there might be more to it. EPA has sent each of its action plans to the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs for review. And on December 22, just before EPA was about to release its first four chemical action plans, activists from American Chemistry Council and representatives of a major BPA producer met with officials at OIRA to plead the case for BPA’s safety. The industry activists came to the meeting armed with a biased list (pdf) of citations to studies on BPA and a copy of a letter (pdf) from ACC President Cal Dooley to EPA’s Stephen Owens that suggests EPA should give industry a sneak peek at any upcoming chemical action plans. Dooley doesn’t even bother to frame the suggestion in terms of ensuring that EPA has the best available science – he simply states that the chemical industry doesn’t think (a) that EPA is capable of drafting an intelligible action plan on its own, and (b) that the public is smart enough to understand a summary of the potential risks of BPA.

The problem is, EPA really didn’t need to send its chemical action plans to OIRA for review. OIRA is empowered to screen federal agencies’ regulatory actions under Executive Order 12866, which requires agencies to send major regulatory actions to the White House for review. Bush expanded the requirement in 2007 with Executive Order 13442, which required agencies to send less influential items, like guidance documents, for review. Obama rescinded EO 13442 almost immediately after taking office, suggesting that the new president had a little more trust in the agencies to do their jobs without micro-management by OIRA.

But either OIRA or the agencies haven’t let the change sink in. The chemical action plans simply recite the hazards and risks posed by certain chemicals and outline the basic contours of EPA’s plans for potential future regulation. Nothing is set in stone. Really, these documents are just the kind of internal memoranda that would never have seen the light of day in a less transparent administration. But now, either by EPA’s timidity or OIRA’s refusal to relinquish its micro-management role from EO 13442, the document is going through OIRA, where it’s being attacked by industry advocates.

Showing 2,822 results

Matt Shudtz | January 22, 2010

Next Up on BPA: EPA’s Chemical Action Plan?

FDA scientists have had a chance to develop an assessment of the risks of BPA in food contact applications using a fuller body of low-dose studies and concluded last week that there’s some concern about the potential effects of BPA on the brain, behavior, and prostate gland of fetuses, infants and children (for a helpful […]

James Goodwin | January 22, 2010

FDA’s First Year Under Obama: Miles Ahead, Yet Miles to Go

This post is the fourth in a series on the new CPR report Obama’s Regulators: A First-Year Report Card. During the Bush Administration, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) simply fell further and further behind in terms of achieving its regulatory mission of protecting people from unsafe drugs, medical devices and food. A series of […]

Alice Kaswan | January 22, 2010

Murkowski Proposal Shutters the Only Game in Town: The Clean Air Act

Senator Murkowski’s proposal to disapprove EPA’s scientifically and legally justified finding that greenhouse gases endanger the public health and welfare would strip the federal government of its primary legal mechanism for addressing catastrophic climate change. If Congress does not think the Clean Air Act (CAA) is the best mechanism for regulating greenhouse gases, it should […]

James Goodwin | January 21, 2010

EPA’s First Year Under Obama: Reenergized, But Still Too Cautious

This post is the third in a series on the new CPR report Obama’s Regulators: A First-Year Report Card. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the biggest and most powerful of the protector agencies. Consequently, it has also become the agency that was most decimated by regulatory opponents in recent decades. Thus, when President Obama […]

Ben Somberg | January 21, 2010

EPA Makes a Good Move on Chemical Secrecy

The EPA announced yesterday that they’re changing the way they treat manufacturers’ claims that certain information about toxic chemicals should be kept secret. Richard Denison of EDF has a useful explanation and analysis of this good news. Rena Steinzor and Matt Shudtz explored the dangers of secrecy in chemical science in a 2007 CPR white […]

Daniel Farber | January 21, 2010

Of the Corporations, By the Corporations, For the Corporations? The Meaning of the Citizens United Decision

Today’s decision in Citizens United was something of a foregone conclusion. Still, it was a bit breathtaking. The Court was obviously poised to strike down the latest Congressional restrictions on corporate political expenditures. But the Court went further and struck down even restrictions that had been upheld thirty years ago. Seldom has a majority been […]

Rena Steinzor | January 20, 2010

Coal Ash First Real Test of Obama Commitment to Health and Safety Regulation

A critical test of the Obama Administration’s commitment to reviving the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is teeing up behind closed doors at the White House. Once again, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is cast in the role of regulation killer, supported by a slew of state and other federal agencies that are polluters […]

Ben Somberg | January 20, 2010

NYT Editorializes on Coal Ash Debate

The New York Times editorial page weighed in on coal ash today, saying: The EPA’s recommendations, which have not been made public, are now the focus of a huge dispute inside the Obama administration, with industry lobbying hard for changes that would essentially preserve the status quo. The dispute should be resolved in favor of […]

Frank Ackerman | January 19, 2010

Bjorn Lomborg Misreads Climate Change Economics in Washington Post Op-Ed

Bjorn Lomborg has seen the future of climate policy, and it doesn’t work. In his opinion, featured Friday in the Washington Post, a binding treaty to reduce carbon emissions – the goal that was pursued unsuccessfully at the Copenhagen conference in December – would have done more harm than good. Reducing emissions enough to stabilize […]