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The Human Costs of Pander

President Obama’s expected State of the Union announcement that he plans to seek a freeze on non-security discretionary spending is an early warning sign that he and his team have decided to play small ball, abandoning the promise of his newly minted transformative presidency. The President’s decision to borrow this shopworn pander from the Reagan, Clinton, and Bush administrations almost certainly means continued, fatal dysfunction for the five agencies that ensure the quality of the air we breathe and the food we eat, the safety of the drugs we take and the consumer products we buy, and the control of toxic chemical exposures in the workplace.

Let’s be clear: those five protector agencies are severely handicapped in their efforts to protect Americans from a variety of hazards because their budgets have been shrinking or staying flat while the challenges they face have grown. In the scale of the things, it wouldn’t take a lot of money to give them the resources they need to protect us from future iterations of the recent spate of regulatory failures – poisonous peanut butter, toxic drywall, lead-laden toys, etc. Mostly, it just takes political will.

Instead, we get a freeze that will do little to trim the budget, and nothing to help the economy – it might even harm it! And to what end? Within the first brief news cycle that contained his announcement, Michael Steel, spokesman for the House Minority Leader John Boehner, compared the freeze to a pie-eating contestant’s promise to go on a diet, perhaps not the warm bipartisan embrace the President’s team had in mind. In the ultimate irony, the total expenditure for all these agencies and the Food and Drug Administration is about $10.3 billion, 50 percent less than the supposedly piddling amount the freeze will save annually through the end of the president’s first term. You could increase their funding by 50 or even 100 percent without having much impact on the deficit.

The decision also isolates the weakest, least-likely-to-vote Americans, in exchange for barely a nanosecond of relief from his political opponents. The President’s team sought to mitigate the reaction of the so-called Democratic “base” by maintaining radio silence on exactly how these shrinking resources would be carved up. The freeze would apply to only 17 percent of the budget, a total of about $450 million, and does not include the massive entitlement spending for Medicare and Social Security, the defense budget and foreign aid, but does appear to include early childhood education, afterschool programs, worker safety, and consumer and environmental protections. The President has not said how he will allocate the aggregate amount of frozen funds, which will not even be indexed for inflation, in effect setting off a destructive battle within the public interest community to see if Head Start can trump toxics regulation. For programs already struggling to hold their own, further cuts could prove devastating. But when all the dust has settled, these cuts will provide barely 3 percent of deficit reduction over the remainder of the president’s term, or an estimated $15 billion in savings from an estimated $1.3 trillion in red ink for this fiscal year and more for the next two out years.

How dire are the likely effects of these decreases? Consider that in constant dollars, the budgets for the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration have not increased since the early 1980s. During that same period, the U.S. population grew 34 percent. The number of workplaces in OSHA’s jurisdiction doubled, from 4 million to 8.7 million, but the number of inspectors available to check on safety conditions dwindled by 200. And the number of registered motor vehicles grew from 155 million to 294 million.

Budget deficits are worrisome, but they cannot stand in isolation. We can count the money we spend, but we have no grasp on the money—not to mention—human suffering and lost resources—it costs us to tolerate all of the health, safety, and environmental threats these agencies were designed to prevent.

When he ran for election, President Obama pledged to deliver a government that would help people when they cannot help themselves. A year later, that vision is failing and too many of those people are being let out into the cold.

Showing 2,818 results

Rena Steinzor | January 27, 2010

The Human Costs of Pander

President Obama’s expected State of the Union announcement that he plans to seek a freeze on non-security discretionary spending is an early warning sign that he and his team have decided to play small ball, abandoning the promise of his newly minted transformative presidency. The President’s decision to borrow this shopworn pander from the Reagan, […]

James Goodwin | January 26, 2010

OSHA’s First Year Under Obama: Shaking Off the Cobwebs

This post is the sixth in a series on the new CPR report Obama’s Regulators: A First-Year Report Card. During the Bush Administration, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) became a regulatory wasteland. Political interference, outdated laws, and chronic underfunding reduced the agency’s regulatory output to a mere trickle. For example, in the last […]

Victor Flatt | January 25, 2010

The Future of US Elections and the Environment after Citizens United? Look at Texas and Its Politicized Agencies

The Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United was not entirely unexpected, but it is appropriately seen as a breathtaking change in the way elections work in this country. The Supreme Court struck down federal campaign finance rules that limit corporate (and general organizational) spending on campaign finance ads to help or defeat candidates. What can […]

James Goodwin | January 25, 2010

NHTSA’s First Year Under Obama: Stuck in Neutral

This post is the fifth in a series on the new CPR report Obama’s Regulators: A First-Year Report Card. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) progress on its statutory mission of reducing traffic fatalities came to a screeching halt in recent years, making it imperative that the Obama Administration work quickly to get this […]

Thomas McGarity | January 25, 2010

Why You Can’t Get Your Day in Court After a Train Disaster and What the Federal Railroad Administration Needs to Do About It

Cross-posted from ACSblog. The citizens of Minot, North Dakota suffered a grave injustice on January 18, 2002 when a train derailment bathed much of that small town in a toxic cloud of poisonous gas that killed one person and injured almost 1,500 others. A detailed investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board concluded that the […]

Matt Shudtz | January 22, 2010

Next Up on BPA: EPA’s Chemical Action Plan?

FDA scientists have had a chance to develop an assessment of the risks of BPA in food contact applications using a fuller body of low-dose studies and concluded last week that there’s some concern about the potential effects of BPA on the brain, behavior, and prostate gland of fetuses, infants and children (for a helpful […]

James Goodwin | January 22, 2010

FDA’s First Year Under Obama: Miles Ahead, Yet Miles to Go

This post is the fourth in a series on the new CPR report Obama’s Regulators: A First-Year Report Card. During the Bush Administration, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) simply fell further and further behind in terms of achieving its regulatory mission of protecting people from unsafe drugs, medical devices and food. A series of […]

Alice Kaswan | January 22, 2010

Murkowski Proposal Shutters the Only Game in Town: The Clean Air Act

Senator Murkowski’s proposal to disapprove EPA’s scientifically and legally justified finding that greenhouse gases endanger the public health and welfare would strip the federal government of its primary legal mechanism for addressing catastrophic climate change. If Congress does not think the Clean Air Act (CAA) is the best mechanism for regulating greenhouse gases, it should […]

Ben Somberg | January 21, 2010

EPA Makes a Good Move on Chemical Secrecy

The EPA announced yesterday that they’re changing the way they treat manufacturers’ claims that certain information about toxic chemicals should be kept secret. Richard Denison of EDF has a useful explanation and analysis of this good news. Rena Steinzor and Matt Shudtz explored the dangers of secrecy in chemical science in a 2007 CPR white […]