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Eye on OIRA: The 121st Day and Coal Ash Still Going to Pits in the Ground

Tomorrow will be the 120th day since the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) began its review of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) star-crossed proposal to declare coal ash that is not safely recycled to be a hazardous waste. The number is significant because it marks the end of OIRA’s allotted review period for the proposal, under the Executive Order that governs OIRA.

The date will likely come and go without fanfare. By rights, OIRA ought to either release the proposal for public comment or return it to EPA for rewriting. You’d think OIRA would be eager to get the thing off its plate, since its staff have been compelled to sit through no fewer than 33 separate meetings on the subject in recent months, no fewer than 28 with industry lobbyists opposed to the rule. But I harbor no expectation of an announcement. It’s more likely that OIRA will just keep working to browbeat EPA staff into rewriting it to the point that the coal industry calms down.

Readers of CPRBlog may recall that coal-fired power plants, while providing half of the nation’s electric power, generate an astounding 136 million tons of toxic coal ash annually. They dump much of it into what are euphemistically called “surface impoundments,” but in fact are no more or less than big holes in the ground that remain open to rainfall from above and water seepage from below—hence the equally distressing labels “coal ash slurry” and “coal ash sludge.”

Coal ash contains arsenic, beryllium, chromium, lead, and mercury, metals that are extremely toxic in small amounts. You wouldn’t want the stuff on your skin, in your drinking water, on your farm land, or in your street. Yet that miserable predicament is exactly what befell the people of Kingston, Tennessee, who watched helplessly as 1.2 billion gallons of coal ash “slurry” inundated 300 acres of their town three days before Christmas 2008. (To add insult to injury, people who live within one mile of a coal ash impoundment are 30 percent more likely to be poor and minority.) Last week, EPA issued a battery of engineers’ reports on dozens of similar facilities, making clear that Kingston could happen again.

The Washington rumor mill has pronounced the draft rule in serious trouble, even as national environmentalists and grassroots activists in coal country hasten to organize a counteroffensive to industry’s overwhelming lobbying blitz. Remember in evaluating this state of affairs that EPA is nowhere near finalizing a regulation. It hasn’t even been permitted yet to publish a proposed regulation, so industry’s all-out campaign, and OIRA’s reaction to that pressure, are in response to a proposal that no member of the public has ever seen. With the exception of the Members of Congress who have publicly instructed EPA to stand down in an effort to curry favor with their business constituents, all of this sturm und drang is happening in secret.

Under the Executive Order, OIRA has 90 days to review a proposal, and can then take an additional 30 days, which OIRA announced it would do 29 days ago. OIRA and EPA are then left with four options:

  • EPA can withdraw the proposed rule and, presumably, try to cut its own deal with industry;
  • OIRA can return the rule to EPA for further work with its complaints spelled out in writing. (During the Bush II Administration, regulatory czar John Graham issued such “return letters” to bedraggled agencies with great enthusiasm, and this would hardly be EPA’s first trip to the OIRA woodshed);
  • OIRA can deem the proposed rule “consistent with the Executive Order if changed”—we don’t think they are ready to do that;
  • OIRA can deem the proposed rule “consistent without change.” As we’ve been saying, in our dreams.

And significantly, if OIRA doesn’t issue objections in writing within the 120 day period, the window closes, and EPA can simply move ahead without OIRA’s approval or disapproval, thanks very much.

The most preferred outcome here would be for OIRA to simply liberate the proposal. That’d free EPA to go ahead and issue the proposed rule, at which point industry and everyone else would get its chance to weigh in on its merits. The second best outcome would be for EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson to take the courageous step of publishing the proposed rule in the Federal Register, particularly if OIRA hasn’t met its deadline. As President Obama’s top official on the environment, Jackson has not just the right but also the responsibility to take that action unless instructed otherwise by the President himself.

If OIRA Administrator Cass Sunstein cannot bring himself to respect EPA’s expertise and legally mandated prerogatives, and if Jackson cannot bring herself to move forward without OIRA’s blessing, then at the very least OIRA should explain why it is holding the proposal hostage, and what issues it is vetting behind closed doors. We should expect no less from an administration committed to transparency.

Showing 2,818 results

Rena Steinzor | February 12, 2010

Eye on OIRA: The 121st Day and Coal Ash Still Going to Pits in the Ground

Tomorrow will be the 120th day since the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) began its review of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) star-crossed proposal to declare coal ash that is not safely recycled to be a hazardous waste. The number is significant because it marks the end of OIRA’s allotted review […]

Victor Flatt | February 12, 2010

Tackling the Issue of ‘Fraud’ in Carbon Trading

The concept of cap and trade took another hit recently with disclosures that hackers had been able to get into the accounts of several holders of carbon emissions allowances in Europe and steal some of the account balance. This, along with the continued snowstorm in Washington, D.C. seems to fill those opposing a federal comprehensive […]

Catherine O'Neill | February 11, 2010

EPA Chides Polluters for Downplaying Risk From Portland Harbor Superfund Site; Still, Must Honor Fishing Tribes’ Rights

In a welcome move, EPA recently took polluters to task for their attempt to downplay the risks to human health and the environment from the Portland Harbor superfund site along the Willamette River in Portland, Oregon (h/t Oregonian for noting the EPA action). As part of the cleanup effort for the site, the polluters, known […]

Rena Steinzor | February 10, 2010

Eye on OIRA: Coal Ash Visits by Regulation Foes Up to 28; OIRA’s Open Door Policy Creates Double Standard for Special Interests, Flouting Obama Ethics Initiatives

According to recent statements from the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) press office, Administrator Cass Sunstein and staff are adamantly committed to granting an audience with OIRA senior staff to anyone who asks to see them about anything, and most especially pending health and safety rules. So not only are special interests granted […]

Ben Somberg | February 10, 2010

Eye on OIRA: Coal Ash Visits by Regulation Foes Up to 28; OIRA’s Open Door Policy Creates Double Standard for Special Interests, Flouting Obama Ethics Initiatives

According to recent statements from the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) press office, Administrator Cass Sunstein and staff are adamantly committed to granting an audience with OIRA senior staff to anyone who asks to see them about anything, and most especially pending health and safety rules. So not only are special interests granted […]

Ben Somberg | February 9, 2010

New CPR Report Examines Regulatory Dysfunction at OSHA

CPR today releases the white paper Workers at Risk: Regulatory Dysfunction at OSHA (press release). The report examines an Occupational Safety and Health Administration where Today its enforcement staff is stretched thin and the rulemaking staff struggle to produce health and safety standards that can withstand industry legal challenges. In short, OSHA is a picture […]

Ben Somberg | February 9, 2010

The Toyota Debacle and NHTSA’s Role: What Congress Must Investigate

In a letter today, CPR President Rena Steinzor and board member Sidney Shapiro recommend to Congress questions it should investigate to get to the bottom of the Toyota accelerator/recall matter that’s all over the news. The letter focuses in particular on the role of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and examines the agency’s […]

Wendy Wagner | February 8, 2010

EPA’s Lax Confidential Business Information Policy and the Importance of the Hampshire Associates Study

After laying dormant for decades, industries’ abuse of EPA’s permissive confidential business information program (CBI) is finally getting some serious attention. An investigation in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, and more recently articles in the Washington Post and Risk Policy Report; a report by the Environmental Working Group; and posts by Richard Denison at EDF, are […]

Holly Doremus | February 8, 2010

Good News for the Pika . . . Or Not

Cross-posted from Legal Planet. The US Fish and Wildlife Service has completed its review of the status of the cute little American pika. The verdict is good news for the pika, at least as far as it goes and if FWS is right about the science. FWS has decided that the pika is not endangered […]