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Preemption Aside, New Climate Change Proposal Would Create Generally Similar Results as Prior Proposals (But Watch Out for Those Offsets)

While Kerry and Lieberman (and before two weeks ago, Graham) have tried to pitch the proposed new Senate climate and energy draft legislation as a “game-changer” the truth is that, aside from the stronger preemption language limiting the states, its effect is not terribly different from what has come before. Sure, there are sweeteners for the conservascenti, such as enhanced loan guarantees and permit streamlining for nuclear energy, continued support for carbon capture and sequestration, removal of a natural gas “penalty,” and ostensibly an opening up of now closed offshore oil areas. But whether this would be different than what would have happened by adoption of the ACES bill is questionable.

ACES also allowed the coal industry to continue with the help of monetary support of carbon capture and sequestration. As for increased offshore oil drilling, even with revenue sharing, opening new areas is going to be a hard sell for a long, long time.  Alaska is a possible exception here, and the Alaska offshore revenue sharing provisions are clearly designed to get the Begich and Murkoswki vote. But even if offshore oil drilling is more attractive to Alaskans, the bottom line is that Alaska always wants to drill and the only thing stopping it has been the federal environmental reviews. The Deepwater Horizon spill called the prior MMS analysis of Alaska offshore drilling into question and has spurred another lawsuit.

The Kerry-Lieberman bill creates the very peculiar “linked” fee system for the oil and gas industry as a way to pay for their carbon intensity usage. While this is a strange and overly complicated part of the proposal and may be a boondoggle to the oil and gas industry, its ultimate effect on actual greenhouse gas reductions should be minimal.

Kerry-Lieberman mirrors the most important part of Waxman-Markey: it creates a cap and trade carbon market as the heart of the greenhouse gas reductions methods. The cap is in line with prior proposals (and the US commitment under the Copenhagen Accord), and even though the price collar of $10-25 dollars per ton is a feature absent from ACES and Boxer-Kerry, the amount that the cap can adjust upward every year (5%), and the market expectation of carbon prices, suggests that it won’t come into play much, except maybe in the beginning phases of the market, when the market is likely to be illiquid. 

Though the proposal’s sponsors also trumpet “controls” on the carbon market, it again doesn’t change much from what might have been. The proposal allows “market makers” to participate in the initial auctions (though by limiting the number, the bill could increase volatility), and there is no limitation to the secondary and derivative markets, save what is being generally proposed for all markets (that all trades be cleared through exchanges-section 2402).

On offsets, the bill generally follows the lines of Waxman-Markey, but has a few positive and negative changes that make the outcomes more clear (see my post specifically on offsets).

The Kerry-Lieberman bill shows some real compromises and more maturity in consideration of specific issues. But the real changes in this bill, except for the preemption section, are primarily one of degree, not of kind. Fundamentally, the heart of the greenhouse gas control provision, the GHG cap and trade system, should put an effective price on carbon, and ultimately provide a hard cap on emissions.

Showing 2,824 results

Victor Flatt | May 12, 2010

Preemption Aside, New Climate Change Proposal Would Create Generally Similar Results as Prior Proposals (But Watch Out for Those Offsets)

While Kerry and Lieberman (and before two weeks ago, Graham) have tried to pitch the proposed new Senate climate and energy draft legislation as a “game-changer” the truth is that, aside from the stronger preemption language limiting the states, its effect is not terribly different from what has come before. Sure, there are sweeteners for the […]

Victor Flatt | May 12, 2010

Kerry-Lieberman Creates Some Added Certainty on Offsets

The Kerry-Lieberman bill’s provisions on offsets are largely similar to those in the Waxman-Markey and Kerry-Boxer bill, but include a number of changes that make more specific policy choices in the use of offsets. First, the proposal enumerates a specific lengthy list of eligible offset categories (whereas Waxman-Markey didn’t list specific categories, instead giving instruction […]

Alexandra Klass | May 11, 2010

Federal Task Force on Carbon Capture and Sequestration Will Need to Grapple With Property Rights Law

A federal task force of the EPA and a host of federal agencies are  currently working on a proposal, due to President Obama by June, on carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) policy; they’re now holding a series of public meetings (for background on CCS generally, see the CPR Perspective I wrote examining some of the arguments […]

Holly Doremus | May 10, 2010

Heads in sand, oil in water

Cross-posted from Legal Planet. As oil drifts on and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico, forcing the closure of wildlife refuges and more fishing grounds, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has called a temporarily halt to new offshore drilling while his staff prepare a report on the disaster and even Republicans in Congress are calling for […]

Matthew Freeman | May 9, 2010

CPR’s Victor Flatt in Houston Chronicle on a Momentous Week for Energy Policy

CPR Member Scholar Victor Flatt has an op-ed piece in this morning’s Houston Chronicle, in which he argues that the week of April 20 will likely be recalled as “one of the most pivotal and important weeks in the history of energy in this country,” citing the confluence of the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon […]

Rena Steinzor | May 7, 2010

Wishful Thinking on the Right: Reviving the Information Quality Act?

Our loyal opposition at the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness has engaged in some very creative reading of legal opinions in order to breathe new life into a discredited anti-regulatory tool of the George W. Bush era: the Information Quality Act. This pesky little statute instructs the Office of Management and Budget to “provide policy and procedural […]

Yee Huang | May 7, 2010

New CPR Briefing Paper Recommends Next Steps on Chesapeake Bay Policy

Today the Center for Progressive Reform releases a briefing paper on Chesapeake Bay policy in anticipation of the one-year anniversary of President Obama’s Executive Order on Chesapeake Bay Protection and Restoration. The Choose Clean Water Coalition also today sent a letter to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson stressing that EPA’s strategy for the Bay must have […]

Rena Steinzor | May 7, 2010

Eye on OIRA: Government Releases Before-and-After Docs on Coal Ash Rule; Lisa Jackson, Public Face of Environmental Protection, Meet Nameless White House Economist

This post is written by CPR President Rena Steinzor and CPR Policy Analyst James Goodwin. President Obama appointed Lisa Jackson to head the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on December 15, 2008. Confirmed by the Senate on January 22, 2009, she is a Cabinet-rank member of the Administration and the first African American to serve as […]

Matt Shudtz | May 6, 2010

The Grand Tradition of Harassing Researchers — Virginia Edition

Virginia AG Ken Cuccinelli II has taken his climate change vendetta to a new low, announcing that he will use Virginia’s Fraud Against Taxpayers Act to force officials at UVA to spend months digging through a decade of university records in search of evidence that Dr. Michael Mann “defrauded” the Commonwealth by seeking funds to […]