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Thought We Wouldn’t Notice: Blanche Lincoln Quietly Switches to New Version of Debunked SBA Regulatory Costs Stat

Former Senator Blanche Lincoln, now heading the National Federation of Independent Business’s new anti-regulatory campaign, faced criticism in recent days for citing the debunked SBA study claiming regulations cost $1.75 trillion in a year. The NFIB used that stat last week in launching its campaign (see ThinkProgress), and Lincoln cited the number in a National Journal forum post on Monday:

While some federal regulations are important, it costs the U.S. economy a staggering $1.75 trillion a year to comply with them, according to a report commissioned by the Small Business Administration last September.

Two respondents on the forum, CPR President Rena Steinzor and Public Citizen President Robert Weissman, specifically criticized Lincoln’s use of the thoroughly debunked number. In a new post Wednesday, Lincoln didn’t mention “$1.75 trillion” but instead wrote:

Currently, federal regulations are draining nearly 12 percent of U.S. GDP annually.

Where’d that new number come from? Doesn’t sound familiar. There was no citation. Let’s see, U.S. GDP is about $14.7 trillion; multiply that by 12 percent and you get about… $1.75 Trillion.

Showing 2,822 results

Ben Somberg | August 12, 2011

Thought We Wouldn’t Notice: Blanche Lincoln Quietly Switches to New Version of Debunked SBA Regulatory Costs Stat

Former Senator Blanche Lincoln, now heading the National Federation of Independent Business’s new anti-regulatory campaign, faced criticism in recent days for citing the debunked SBA study claiming regulations cost $1.75 trillion in a year. The NFIB used that stat last week in launching its campaign (see ThinkProgress), and Lincoln cited the number in a National […]

Celeste Monforton | August 12, 2011

Legs of Two 17-Year-Olds Severed in Grain Auger, White House Sits on Young Worker Safety Rule

Cross-posted from The Pump Handle. Tyler Zander, 17 and Bryce Gannon, 17 were working together on Thursday, August 4 at the Zaloudek Grain Co. in Kremlin, Oklahoma. They were operating a large floor grain aguer when something went terribly wrong. Oklahoma’s reports that Bryce Gannon’s legs became trapped in the auger, Tyler Zander went […]

Matt Shudtz | August 11, 2011

With Updates to EPCRA Reporting Rules, EPA Has Another Opportunity to Better Protect Workers

On Monday, EPA announced its intention to revise the emergency planning rules for industrial facilities. The goal of the revisions is to give state and local emergency planning committees better information that they can use to prepare for chemical spills, explosions, and other disasters at industrial facilities. In the initial proposal released Monday, EPA disregards a request […]

Sidney A. Shapiro | August 10, 2011

Chairman Issa’s NLRB Subpoena: An Unprecedented Effort to Thwart the Legal Process

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has a Friday deadline to respond to a subpoena issued by House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R., Calif.). The subpoena seeks “all documents and communications relating to the NLRB’s Office of General Counsel’s investigation of Boeing…” prior to the time the NLRB issued its complaint against the company. The […]

Alexandra Klass | August 8, 2011

Nevada Court’s Public Trust Decision A Welcome Addition to Growing Body of Protection for State Lands and Resources

Last month, the Nevada Supreme Court held in Lawrence v. Clark County that the public trust doctrine limited the ability of the state to freely alienate certain lands that, though dry at the time of the decision, were submerged under navigable waters at the time of statehood. The case is significant for at least two reasons. First, […]

Matt Shudtz | August 5, 2011

Platinum Industry Tries a DQA Complaint the Bush Administration Wouldn’t Even Accept

On Monday, the International Platinum Group Metals Association submitted a Data Quality Act complaint (pdf) to EPA regarding a draft toxicological review of halogenated platinum salts and platinum compounds. This one ought to go straight to the agency’s recycling bin. IPA, as the trade group calls itself, is complaining that the draft document, released by EPA’s […]

Ben Somberg | August 4, 2011

Austan Goolsbee, on Daily Show, Defends Regulations

Austan Goolsbee, outgoing Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, took to the Daily Show on Wednesday for one last sit-down with Jon Stewart. Stewart included a question on regulations (part 2, at 3:55), and Goolsbee gave a spirited defense: Stewart: Does the president believe business is overregulated? Does he think we are bureaucratically so snafu-d […]

Matt Shudtz | August 4, 2011

IUR Update a Good Start, But a Missed Opportunity for Worker Health and Safety

On Tuesday, EPA finalized important revisions to its Inventory Update Rule (IUR), which is the federal government’s primary means of finding out what chemicals are being produced or used, where they’re being produced and used, and in what quantities. The revisions close up some major loopholes created by the Bush administration and should give the agency […]

Matt Shudtz | August 3, 2011

Draft Scientific Integrity Policies Due from Agencies; Progress Unclear

Today marks 90 days since the last milestone in the White House’s push toward improvements in federal agencies’ scientific integrity policies. Agencies that have made progress in this time ought to release their draft plans and open them to public comment.  From an outsider’s perspective, there hasn’t been much progress to evaluate recently. It’s something we’ve gotten […]