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Advocating for Climate, Labor, and Environmental Equity in Maryland

Everyone should have a fair chance to live the healthiest life possible, but that’s not always the case for many of our communities. That's particularly true of overburdened communities that bear the brunt of pollution and toxic chemical exposures. But help may be on the way in Maryland in the form of the Climate, Labor, and Environmental Equity Act of 2023, and I testified in strong support of the bill on February 23.

Whenever a company or facility projects that it will need to emit a significant amount of pollution, state agencies approve what’s called a “permit.” In Maryland, state agencies have permitted companies to locate harmful, unhealthy, and dangerous projects in ways that overburden communities, especially low-wealth communities and communities of color. These polluters and facilities harm our health, our jobs, and our property values, and they often lead to increased emissions that contribute to climate change.

Maryland’s permitting process doesn’t currently consider these real-world impacts. Even more, communities nearby have not been consulted about where these projects get built, and in many cases, have been left out of this process entirely.

New legislation would help deliver environmental justice

The Maryland Climate, Labor, and Environmental Equity Act of 2023 (SB 743/HB 840), sponsored by state Sen. Michael A. Jackson and Del. Regina T. Boyce, will help address environmental injustices at the permitting level for projects that impact the land, air, and water — like industrial operations, wastewater treatment plants, highway expansions, mining operations, power plants, and landfills.

More specifically, the legislation would:

  1. Ensure that key state agencies in Maryland are held accountable to the state’s climate, environmental justice, and labor goals;
  2. Require thorough planning, evaluation, reporting, and mitigation of negative impacts on underserved or overburdened communities before polluters are permitted to operate;
  3. Foster measurable communication between the Maryland Department of the Environment, environmental permit applicants, and underserved or overburdened communities; and
  4. Allow Marylanders to receive regular notifications regarding environmental permits that may have a negative impact on their health and well-being.

Measuring up to other states and the EPA

At least 11 other states — including California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin — consider the social and economic impacts of environmental projects at the permitting level or address environmental justice head-on.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently released a memorandum on how environmental justice and equity can be meaningfully incorporated at the permitting level, specifically for air pollution permits. The memo sets up a framework of “principles and practices” that permitting offices can adopt to mitigate the disproportionate effects that a permit approval may have on an overburdened community.

The Climate, Labor, and Environmental Equity Act of 2023 would help bring Maryland in line with these guidelines and practices of leading states while ensuring that more Marylanders have fairer opportunities when it comes to their jobs, their health, and their lives.

If you live in Maryland and would like to support the Climate, Labor, and Environmental Equity Act of 2023, you can participate in an action alert from the Climate, Labor, and Environmental Equity Coalition.

More information

Banner image by Rebecca Rehr/Maryland League of Conservation Voters

Showing 2,822 results

Katlyn Schmitt | February 27, 2023

Advocating for Climate, Labor, and Environmental Equity in Maryland

Everyone should have a fair chance to live the healthiest life possible, but that’s not always the case for many of our communities. That's particularly true of overburdened communities that bear the brunt of pollution and toxic chemical exposures. But help may be on the way in Maryland in the form of the Climate, Labor, and Environmental Equity Act of 2023, and I testified in strong support of the bill on February 23.

Marcha Chaudry | February 16, 2023

Protecting Industrial Workers from Toxic Chemicals

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James Goodwin | February 15, 2023

Biden Regulatory Democracy Proposal Follows the Center for Progressive Reform’s Recommendations

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James Goodwin | February 9, 2023

Center Scholar Dave Owen Defends the Clean Water Act Before Congress

On February 8, conservatives in the U.S. House of Representatives began their assault on the Clean Water Act with a hearing aimed at attacking the Biden administration’s rule to more clearly define the law's scope of protections. Center for Progressive Reform Member Scholar Dave Owen, a law professor at the University of California College of the Law in San Francisco, was the only witness invited to fend off these dangerous attacks.

James Goodwin | February 9, 2023

Two Glaring Omissions from the State of the Union

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Protestors holding a climate justice sign

Allison Stevens | February 8, 2023

In State of the Union, Biden Pays Little Heed to Climate Justice

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US Capitol Building behind green trees

Daniel Farber | February 7, 2023

When Bad Things Happen to Good Regulations

In their crusade against “wokeness,” congressional Republicans are taking aim at a Labor Department rule about pension plan investments. The rule’s transgression is apparently that it makes it easier for pension plans to consider how climate-related risks might affect a company’s bottom line. To avoid being woke, the GOP would apparently prefer pension managers to close their eyes to financial realities, sleepwalking their way through the climate crisis. The real fear, of course, is that more wide-awake investment might disfavor some of the GOP’s biggest corporate supporters.

James Goodwin | January 31, 2023

Biden Administration’s Long-Overdue Regulatory Reforms Are Expected Soon. Here’s What to Look For.

Where are President Joe Biden’s regulatory process reforms? That’s the question many progressive advocates have been asking since the administration released its Day One memo inaugurating a “process with the goal of producing a set of recommendations for improving and modernizing regulatory review.” Two years later, this process remains in limbo.

Rebecca Bratspies | January 20, 2023

What’s In a Name? Urban Infrastructure and Social Justice

Arriving in New York City, you might take the Van Wyck Expressway past the Jackie Robinson Parkway on your way from JFK airport. Or you might cross the Kościuszko Bridge as you travel from LaGuardia airport. Or you might take the George Washington Bridge to the Major Deegan Expressway. Or, you might use the Goethals Bridge, or the Pulaski Skyway, or the Outerbridge Crossing. What, if anything, would those trips tell you about the city (other than that we desperately need better mass transit)? All this infrastructure commemorates individuals who helped shape the city’s history. Yet, few people remember that, before these names became a shorthand for urban congestion, they were actual people.