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Sowing Confusion and Doubt, Trump Attempts Climate Policy Rollbacks

Donald Trump has been in office only 68 days, and already I've passed the threshold from shock to boredom. His order to erase climate change from federal policy, preceded by a speech before captive members of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), only seals the deal. I served at the EPA during President Obama's first term, helping that agency and others prepare for the hazards of climate change. That work is serious and complicated and subtle. Trump, of course, is anything but. The man is as formulaic as a Hanna-Barbera cartoon. 

First there's the over-the-top infliction of trauma with blindness to reason. He'll launch an executive order rescinding climate change policy! Forget the decades of studies and empirical data confirming an era of rising seas, heavier rains, and stronger storms. Science is for nerds with thick glasses. Only a "loser" would stop an expensive project just because there was a risk of climate-based harm. So license that nuclear reactor in a flood plain. Unroll that highway on the sinking shore. And forget the curlicue of regulations meant to catapult communities toward the job-creating industries of wind and solar, and that cut pollution, too. Real air is the kind you taste when you inhale. 

The second part of the formula is to hide your laziness in something like a hopped-up executive order with lots of bark and limited bite. Executive orders, which can be issued by the president unilaterally with little review, are helpful in organizing activities and signaling priorities, but they rarely do much on their own. Trump can order the EPA to reverse its clean power regulations. He can order the Department of Energy to ignore sea level rise when it sites a nuclear facility. But EPA's rules will take years of process and litigation to undo, if they can be legally undone at all. And federal courts are already insisting that federal agencies account for climate change in their environmental reviews. "So let it be written, so let it be done," only works in the movies. Sad! 

What Trump's order does do, at least in the short term, is sow confusion and doubt. So what else is new? 

The last piece of the Trump formula involves the strategic use of humiliation and shame. To the hundreds of dedicated staffers at the EPA who work every day to make sure our air and water are clean and that our children will lead long and healthy lives, Trump made them feel small. That's shameful – and, at this point, so pathetically predictable. I know my friends at EPA can withstand the banality. They are professionals. They are proud that the policies they have designed and enforced have saved tens of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars. They are serious people of substance. And their work is the opposite of boring.

Showing 2,819 results

Robert Verchick | March 28, 2017

Sowing Confusion and Doubt, Trump Attempts Climate Policy Rollbacks

Donald Trump has been in office only 68 days, and already I’ve passed the threshold from shock to boredom. His order to erase climate change from federal policy, preceded by a speech before captive members of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), only seals the deal. I served at the EPA during President Obama’s first term, […]

Joel A. Mintz | March 27, 2017

Trump Cuts and the EPA: Making America Less Healthy Again

This op-ed originally ran in The South Florida Sun Sentinel. The most drastic cut in President Donald Trump’s recently released budget outline is to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the agency tasked by law with setting and enforcing national standards to limit water, air, and land pollution; conducting scientific research to protect our health and the environment; and assisting […]

Joseph Tomain | March 21, 2017

Trumping Innovation

Yale economist William Baumol has written extensively on the connection between innovation and economic productivity. He has demonstrated that the United States has long been committed to promoting innovation, and through innovation, virtuous circles of economic growth are created. Unfortunately, the current administration appears committed to curtailing, even stopping, that growth. The president’s first budget […]

Evan Isaacson | March 20, 2017

As EPA Embarks on Dangerous Experiment in Federalism, How Will States Respond?

In the early 1970s, Congress passed the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act on nearly unanimous votes. The overwhelming support for these new laws reflected not only the horrific condition of America’s air, water, and landscape at the time, but also an appreciation of the collective action problem states faced, necessitating federal action. The […]

Evan Isaacson | March 17, 2017

A Dark Day for the Bay

Last year around this time, I happily deleted this headline, "A Dark Day for the Bay," which I was preparing to use for a blog post in the event that the U.S. Supreme Court decided to hear the appeal of the American Farm Bureau Federation and other plaintiffs in their challenge to the Chesapeake Bay […]

Matt Shudtz | March 16, 2017

President’s Reckless Budget Proposal Would Gut Agencies, Endanger Our Health and Environment

As part of a coalition of public interest organizations working toward a responsible federal budget that protects people and the planet, I released the following statement on President Trump’s reckless budget proposal that guts the EPA, eliminates federal funding for the Chesapeake Bay cleanup effort, and more.  “The president’s ‘skinny budget’ is a particularly apt […]

John Echeverria | March 15, 2017

The Murr Case: Of Lot Mergers and the Future of Land Use Regulation

On Monday, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in a seemingly minor zoning case, Murr v. State of Wisconsin. In reality, the case involves a fundamental challenge to public authority to protect our communities and private property. In particular, if the Court were to rule in favor of petitioners, it would make it vastly […]

Joseph Tomain | March 13, 2017

Attacking Regulation Using Slogans, Not Analysis

The Trump administration’s fundamental hostility to government is by now plainly apparent. The President issued an executive order requiring agencies to get rid of two regulations for each new one that is adopted. He appointed administrators who have been extraordinarily hostile to the missions of the departments and agencies that they now head, such as […]

David Driesen | March 7, 2017

The Hill op-ed: Ruling by Decree

This op-ed originally ran in The Hill. The Feb. 28 executive order overturning a Clean Water Act rule clarifying EPA’s jurisdiction over wetlands furnishes but the latest example of President Trump’s propensity to rule by almost daily fiat. Trump has ruled by decree ever since he assumed office. He has not proposed a single bill […]