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Showing 82 results

Holly Doremus

CPR Member Scholar; Professor of Law

Holly Doremus | October 23, 2013

Mass. v. EPA bears fruit for environmental petitioners

Court rules that EPA must decide if new water quality standards are needed to protect the Gulf of Mexico A US District Court in Louisiana recently ruled, in Gulf Restoration Network v. Jackson, that EPA must decide whether it has to impose new water quality standards for nutrient pollution in the Mississippi River watershed. Although […]

Holly Doremus | May 20, 2013

What’s holding up the Clean Water Act jurisdictional guidance?

Reposted from LegalPlanet. People on both sides of the political spectrum agree that the boundaries of federal jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act are murky, to say the least. But efforts by EPA and the Corps of Engineers to clarify those boundaries have been tied up in the White House for more than a year, […]

Holly Doremus | May 20, 2013

What’s holding up the Clean Water Act jurisdictional guidance?

Reposted from LegalPlanet. People on both sides of the political spectrum agree that the boundaries of federal jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act are murky, to say the least. But efforts by EPA and the Corps of Engineers to clarify those boundaries have been tied up in the White House for more than a year, […]

Holly Doremus | December 14, 2012

Jane Lubchenco’s Legacy at NOAA

Cross-posted from Legal Planet. NOAA administrator Jane Lubchenco has announced that she will leave her post at the end of February. Her letter to NOAA employees, reprinted in the Washington Post, cites the difficulty of maintaining a bi-coastal family life. Dr. Lubchenco, a distinguished marine biologist, has put in four years at the helm of […]

Holly Doremus | November 30, 2012

What to Expect in the Logging Roads Case

Cross-posted from Legal Planet. This coming Monday, Dec. 3, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral argument in the logging roads case. The case involves two consolidated petitions, Decker v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center and Georgia Pacific v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center , both challenging the same decision of the Ninth Circuit, Northwest Environmental Defense […]

Holly Doremus | November 29, 2012

Should We Revive an Extinct Galapagos Tortoise?

Cross-posted from Legal Planet. The Washington Post reported this week that scientists think they can resurrect the Pinta Island subspecies of Galapagos tortoise whose last remaining member, “Lonesome George,” died this summer. Scientists at Ecuador’s Galapagos National Park say they have found enough Pinta Island genetic material in tortoise on another nearby island that an […]

Holly Doremus | November 20, 2012

More on BP’s Guilty Plea: It’s Not Just About the Money

Cross-posted from Legal Planet. As already noted by Rick and Megan, last week BP pleaded guilty to 14 criminal counts arising from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon blowout in the Gulf of Mexico. Megan provided a good basic overview of the terms of the agreement. Here is the plea agreement itself. The amount of money BP has […]

Holly Doremus | June 4, 2012

Ninth Circuit Corrects Itself on Gold Mining and the ESA

Cross-posted from Legal Planet. The en banc 9th Circuit issued its opinion Friday in Karuk Tribe v. US Forest Service. This opinion brings a welcome reversal of a panel opinion from last April which had ruled in a split decision that the Forest Service did not have to consult with the wildlife agencies before authorizing […]

Holly Doremus | May 7, 2012

40 Years Hasn’t Taught Some Agencies Much About NEPA

Cross-posted from Legal Planet. You would think that by now federal agencies would have the NEPA process pretty well down. After all, it’s been the law since 1970, requiring that every federal agency prepare an environmental impact statement before committing itself to environmentally harmful actions. And it’s not that hard to do. Agencies just have […]