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Martha McCluskey


Martha McCluskey | September 14, 2021

Countering Neoliberal Logic with the Vulnerable Human Subject

Assumptions about the human condition shape the legal rules and institutions that structure the economy and state. By re-centering law on a clearer understanding of the human subject, vulnerability theory can strengthen law and political economy (LPE) efforts to address accelerating threats to democracy, equality, and the environment.

Martha McCluskey, Sidney A. Shapiro | October 18, 2018

The Hill Op-Ed: As Hurricanes Expose Inequalities, Civil Courts May Be ‘Great Equalizer’

This op-ed originally ran in The Hill.  While hurricanes like Florence are technically “natural” disasters, the Carolinas are experiencing the ways that the distinctly human-made problems of social and economic inequality reinforce and aggravate storm damage. Exhibit A is the catastrophic breaches and spills from the enormous manure “lagoons” located on North Carolina’s many factory-scale hog […]

Martha McCluskey | August 7, 2017

The Hill Op-Ed: The House Recently Sided with Big Banks over Consumers

This op-ed originally ran in The Hill. Did you read the fine print when you signed up for your credit card, a loan on your car, or a new checking account? Chances are, you missed an important provision called a “forced arbitration clause.” This provision says that if the bank or credit card company has made […]

Martha McCluskey | June 8, 2012

Scientific Integrity at Risk in Fracking Policy Debate

The natural gas industry’s campaign against increased federal oversight of shale gas development has recently produced a spurt of “dirty science” minimizing the environmental risks of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.”  The University at Buffalo, the branch of the State University of New York where I teach, recently launched its new “Shale Resources and Society Institute” […]