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We’re working to create a just society and preserve a healthy environment for future generations. Donate today to help.


Who We Are

The Center for Progressive Reform is a nonprofit research and advocacy organization that conducts independent scholarly research and policy analysis, and advocates for effective, collective solutions to our most pressing societal challenges. 

The Washington Monument and cherry blossoms


We work to harness the power of law and public policy to create a responsive government, a healthy environment, and a just society.


We envision a government that uses the full force of its power to curb climate change and ensure a sustainable environment, economic justice, and healthy workplaces and communities for all.

What We Do

Guided by a national network of scholars and professional staff with expertise in governance and regulation, we convene policymakers and advocates to shape legislative and agency policy at the state and federal levels and advance the broad interests of today’s social movements for the environment, democracy, and racial justice and equity. The Center was founded in 2002 and is a 501(c)(3) organization.

Our Values

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Collective Action

Through our democratic system of government, we have the power to dismantle institutions and processes that put corporate and special interests over people and the planet. We can build social movements to create a government that better reflects the will of the people, promotes the common good, and protects us all from harm.

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We must protect people and places from harm and make policies that safeguard public and environmental health. This is especially important for disenfranchised groups, who bear the highest price of environmental and workplace harms due to legacies of structural discrimination and oppression.

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Equity and Justice

Our society systematically disenfranchises and oppresses some and supports and lifts up others. We’re working toward systems and structures that ensure all people and communities have equitable opportunities to survive and thrive and that no group experiences unjust harms or burdens.

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We must protect the planet for its own sake, as well as ours, and ensure that future generations have environmental, economic, and political resources needed to live an equal, if not better, way of life as current generations.

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Truth and Integrity

Our system of governance should reflect and respond to scientific evidence and be anchored in truth, reality, and empirical fact. When it doesn’t, the public must stand up for what is right, true, and fair.

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Health and Safety

Clean air, water, and land, and safe and healthy homes, schools, and workplaces are basic human rights and essential to survival.

Our Team


These are the experts who volunteer their time to support and provide policy research, congressional testimony, legal insights and analysis, and more.


Meet the team in the trenches with you, paving the way forward for a better world.


These are the leaders who help guide our teams along the path of justice.


These groups, foundations, and individuals are helping us make the world a better place for future generations.


The Center for Progressive Reform doesn’t just advocate for good policy. We research the issues and connect with groups on the ground to use the power of law and advocacy to inform policies that get to the root of today’s most pressing problems.

Join our solutions-focused team of policy specialists, academics, legal professionals, and communications experts. We encourage professionals from all backgrounds to apply.