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Image of Sophie Loeb

Sophie Loeb

Policy Analyst

Sophie Loeb is a Policy Analyst with the Center for Progressive Reform. Originally from Southern California, Sophie dedicates her personal and professional life to “tikkun olam,” or repairing the world, and firmly believes, “The arc of the moral universe bends toward justice, but it does not bend on its own.”

Sophie sees racial injustice as the preeminent determinant of and gravest threat to public health. She is propelled to work at the mezzo and macro levels to advocate for environmental justice-affected communities, specifically in the climate change mitigation space.

Sophie obtained her BA degree from UC Berkeley in 2017. In 2022, she graduated with a Master of Public Health degree from the University of Michigan, with a focus on Environmental Health Policy in Communities.

Blog Posts from Sophie Loeb

Sophie Loeb | June 20, 2024 How Gas Plants Are Leading to Rising Bills Sophie Loeb | March 27, 2024 North Carolina Needed an Emissions Reduction Plan. They Asked a Utility Company to Create It. Sophie Loeb | February 15, 2024 North Carolina Utilities Commission Should Ensure Public Participation on Proposed New Methane Gas Plants