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Catalina Gonzalez

Senior Policy Analyst for Climate Justice

202.747.0698 ext. 10

Catalina Gonzalez is the Senior Policy Analyst for Climate Justice at the Center for Progressive Reform. She is passionate about advancing equitable climate solutions. She joins CPR to focus on climate justice governance in California.

Prior to joining CPR, Ms. Gonzalez spent five years with community-based nonprofits leading advocacy, community engagement, and capacity-building efforts to empower disadvantaged communities of color to advocate for environmental public policies, land uses, and community improvements to address disparities in public health and respond to climate change. She served communities throughout the San Gabriel Valley of Southern California as Environmental Policy Director at Day One, and as an advocate for safer, more reliable, and sustainable transportation systems with Active San Gabriel Valley.

Her master’s research on urban water policy and green stormwater infrastructure programs in major U.S. cities examined the spatial distribution of green infrastructure projects — and associated impacts and multi-benefits — in relation to socially vulnerable populations.

Ms. Gonzalez earned her B.A. from Wellesley College in 2014 and her Master’s degree (ALM) from Harvard University in Sustainability and Environmental Management in 2020, with a focus on environmental policy.

Contact Information:
202.747.0698 ext. 10

Blog Posts from Catalina Gonzalez

Alice Kaswan, Catalina Gonzalez | May 21, 2024 Defending and Influencing State Climate Justice Investments A family exiting their electric vehicle Catalina Gonzalez | November 15, 2023 New Report Series Explores Equity in California’s Climate and Clean Energy Funding Programs Two men installing solar panels Alice Kaswan, Catalina Gonzalez | April 20, 2023 Delivering Environmental and Climate Justice Block Grants to Communities in Need